In the photo from left to right: Brenda Devine SC Health Foundation, Kim Johnston Hospice Admin, Kathy Coleopy SCHF, Roger Hollander 100 Mile Fire Chief, Tracy Haddow 100 Mile Hospice, Richard Bullen Vice Chair SCHF, Chris Nickless SCHF and Jamie McPherson 100 Mile Firefighter

100 Mile Fire Rescue Chief Roger Hollander and firefighter Jamie MacPherson presented both Tracy Haddow from the 100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society and Chris Nickless from the South Cariboo Health Foundation with a $2500 donation raised through their 2020 firefighter calendar. The calendar features some of the 100 Mile Fire Rescue team, dressed down just a little and shined up with body oil. The calendars have been available since November 2019 and have been well embraced by the South Cariboo community.

“We’ve been talking about doing a calendar fundraiser for over two years, said Jamie McPherson, Project Manager for the calendars. We’re so happy that we were able to make it happen.” 500 calendars were printed and most have been sold. If you would like to pick one up, stop by the 100 Mile Fire Hall at #1-385 Horse Lake Road.

“I am in the calendar said Chief Hollander, but I’m not as brave as the others.” “I’m very thankful that our community helped us raise funds for local charities and proud of our members for participating in the calendar.”


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