Parkside Art Gallery presents the works of  The Cariboo Artist’s Guild called ‘Cast of Shadows’ it will run until September 7th    You can drop in Tuesday to Friday from 10 – 4  on Saturday 10 – 3 at the corner of 4th and Cedar.


Cariboo Regional District Library Presents:  Saturday Songs and Stories, a story-time for families with children under 5, but older siblings are welcome.  You can join them in the 100 Mile house library program room, Saturdays from 10 to 11 am.  Bring your library card.


Spaghetti Social Community Dinner, Friday August 16th from 5:00 to 7:30 – Dinner will be served until 6:30.  Come on out and enjoy Spaghetti, Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread, – There is a vegetarian option too!  There will also be Music and Mini Free Store.  You can join them at the St. Timothy’s Church basement at the Corner of Blackstock and Horse Lake Road – No need to call ahead – just show up!  For more information you can call Rob @ 250-706-0385.


The 3rd annual South Cariboo Summer Festival is on and will have tons of features, such as entertainment by Maidson Olds and Dutch Courage.  There will be Vendors, trade booths and other forms of entertainment.  There will be a petting zoo!  Entry for adults is $5, seniors ar $4 and kids from 6 – 18 are $4  Children five and under get in for free 😊  The event will be on August 10th from 10am – 6pm and August 11th from 10am – 4pm.






The Cariboo Chilcotin Lawnmower Racing Association will be hosting their (almost) famous lawnmower races at the Summer Festival.  The entry fee to the Mow Down Show Down is $10, with the winners getting a chance at prizes, not just glory!


Watch Lake, Green Lake Community Association Gymkhana will be held at the Gymkhana Grounds on North Green Lake Road.  Registration starts at 10am.  The events being at 12 noon on August 10th.


The 61st annual 4H Show and Sale is being held at the Williams Lake Stockyards from August 8 – August 12th.


The Forge is a benefit for veterans and first responders.  This will be a Spaghetti dinner with entertainment.  Dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for kids. Bob Westfall The Human Jukebox will be providing music from 7 to 10pm.  You can join them on August 17th at 5pm at the Royal Canadian Legion in Forest Grove.


Every Saturday throughout July and August, Cariboo residents of all ages are invited to come out and enjoy Music at the Lakes as artists play their tunes.  You can join them from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.  This event is at the Interlakes Service Centre at 7592 Hwy 24 in Lone Butte for more info call 250.593.4869.


The 61st Bridge Lake Fair is coming up on August 18th.  The Fair starts at 10am and will have great events going on all day!  There will be Vendors, Concessions, Silent Auctions and Door Prizes.  You can join them at the Interlakes Hall and Interlakes Rodeo Grounds on E. Sheridan Lake Road


20th Annual South Cariboo Garlic Festival August 24th – 25th 2019 “A stinking good time for the whole family” Click Banner Below for More Information:


South Cariboo Garlic Festival Banner