Saturday May 11th at 7:00pm the Eclectica Community Choir is having their spring benefit concert. The concert is a fundraiser for 100 Mile Auxiliaries for Mill Site Lodge and Fischer Place. Admission is by cash donation. 


The Age Friendly Society is teaming up with the Alzheimer Society of BC on May 16th at the Creekside Seniors Centre from 1-4pm. This session is for caregivers to help them with Understanding Communication & Behavior, finding ways to decrease the occurrence if behaviors that concern us and responding in supportive ways. The session is free to attend but pre-registration is required by calling 1-800-886-6946. 


May 19th and 20th is the 52nd Annual Little Britches Rodeo in 100 Mile House. Kids 14 and under will compete in pole bending, barrell racing, stake racing and more! Ticket prices for spectators is $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students, under 6 years entry is free. Sunday is food bank day with $1 from each gate pass purchased going to the Breast Cancer Foundation. Lots of raffles and prizes too! 


The Age Friendly Society of the South Cariboo is excited for their upcoming Seniors Resource Fair on June 20th from 10am -3pm at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. They are seeking to create a diverse representation of resources for seniors at the fair. Exhibitors are asked to incorporate an activity, give-away, or the like to bring energy to this event and traffic to your table. Registrations for vendors can be dropped off at the Canlan Ice Sports office at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. For more information you can contact Lea at 250 791 6406 or Email 



Business Façade Improvement grant applications are now being accepted for the District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo regional District. The Façade Grants are a funding initiative from the Northern Development Initiative Trust. This program provides grants to property and business owners to renovate, restore, or redesign retail and commercial building facades and storefrontsThere are specific guidelines to both grants. Please visit the District of 100 Mile House website at and the Cariboo Regional District website, for all specifics. 



Parkside Art Gallery presents the works of Bryan Austerberry in an exhibit titled – The Resurgence of Pencil Art.  You can drop in Monday to Friday from 10 – 4  or Saturday 10 – 3 at the corner of 4th and Cedar.



Cariboo Regional District Library Presents:  Saturday Songs and Stories, a story-time for families with children under 5, but older siblings are welcome.  You can join them in the 100-mile house library program room, Saturdays from 10 to 11 am.  Bring your library card.



May 5 – 11th is Emergency Preparedness Week.  Know the Risk – Make a Plan – Get a Kit – For more information Phone Emergency Support Services at 250-644-0146 or email




May 10th you can check out the Phoenix tour – Mrs. McGinley’s gold rush Variety Show presented by the Newman & Wright Theater company Theater royal, Barkerville.  Tickets are $25 per person at Donex or or $30 at the door.  The Doors open at 6:30pm, on Friday Pay 10th and Martin Exeter Hall, just behind the Red Coach Inn.  This is a special fundraiser in support of the 100 Mile Performing Arts Society.




May 11th The Annual Mother’s Day Strawberry Tea is being hosted by the Mill Site Lodge/Fischer Place Auxiliary.  The Tea will be on from 1:30pm to 3pm on May 11th at the South Cariboo Health Centre Cafeteria.




May 11th is the Eclectica Spring Concert – Hosted by 100 Mile & District Arts Council.  It will run from 6:30pm – 9:00pm at the Martin Exeter Hall.  Come on out and join the Eclectica Community Choir for an evening of music for a great cause!  Admission is by donation – proceeds go directly to the 100 Mile Hospital Auxiliary and the Mill Site Lodge/Fischer Place Auxiliary.  Doors open at 6:30pm with music my local bluegrass band Front Poarch from 6:30 till 7pm



Join us at the Iron Horse Pub & Grill for our Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet or Steak Dinner on May 12th

Loaded Breakfast: scrambled eggs, eggs benny, bacon, sausage, hash browns, yogurt and fruit and french toast. Complete with ham and scallop potatoes and pastries. $22.95. Brunch from 10:am to 3:pm.

Let Mom sleep in and then bring her out for a delicious brunch at the Horse.

Dinner is from 4:pm – 9:pm
Mother’s Day Dinner Special
Steak with shrimp and crab bernaise, mashed potatoes, garlic toast and side salad
6oz $24.95 or 8oz $27.95

#mothersday #mothersdaybrunch #sundaybrunch #lonebutte #hwy24#ourlifeyourdream

#breakfast #lunch #eggs #bacon #eggsbenny#steakandeggs #hungry #cariboo #caribooradiostation

#family #kids#bananarama #frychos #salmoncaesarsalad #goodfood #greatpeople#salmon

#community #deepfriedmacandcheeseballs #driedribs#appetizers #hangoverburger





  • Timber Mart 100 Mile House Ribbon Banner





May 12th the Interlakes Community Hall is holding a Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast will start at 8:30am and run till 11:00am.  This is keeping up the tradition of the Lions club hosting this breakfast and as always, Mother’s and kids under the age of 5 years are free.  A full breakfast is $8.00 and a half breakfast is $4.50.  For more information you can contact Maggie Benzing @ 250-593-0370.




On Monday, May 13th the Community Kitchen invite you to enjoy an opportunity to learn or refine your fundamental cooking skills while creating some unique and tasty recipes.  This is a drop in program and open to everyone over the age of 17 years, however please be advised that spaces are limited.  You can join them in the Valley Room, just behind the Lodge and Red Coach Inn.  The theme for this week is going to be Local food.




Our Farmers Market is on each Friday with lots of vendors and products from our area.  The Market will be running from 9am – 2pm.  You can find them inside and outside of the 100 Mile Community Hall.




Solid Rock Café is on May 17th from 7pm – 9pm.  This is a family friendly event.  Admission is free, coffee and tea by donation.  It will be held at The Rock Youth Centre, 108 Church Grounds at 4940 Telqua Drive.  For more information you can call Pat Melanson –  250-395-3846.




The South Cariboo Summer Festival has a deadline of May 15th to book your spot in the official program.  For more information on that you can contact Martina at or Jayme at 250-395-2219.




Starting on May 17th, the Parkside Art Gallery presents the works of Neil Pinkett in an exhibit titled – On a Journey.  This show will run May 17th – June 15th.  There will be an opening reception.  Gallery hours are Monday – Friday from 10am – 4pm and Saturdays 10am – 3pm.  You can find the Gallery at the corner of 4th and Cedar.




The 53rd Annual Little Britches Rodeo is on May 18th and 19th, right here in 100 Mile House.  Kids 14 and under can compete in pole bending, barrel racing, stake racing, goat tail tying, chute dogging and more.  There will also be spectator draws, contestant draws and a safety draw (for contestants wearing helmets on their horse) and buckle prizes.  Entry to the event is $10.00 for adults and $5 for seniors and students.  Children 6 and under get in free.

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