17-year-old Jordyn Karl a grade 11 distant learning student from 100 Mile House recently returned from the “World’s Largest High School Rodeo” in Rock Springs, Wyoming where she competed with 1,650 other contestants in various rodeo events.  High school rodeo kids came from all over the United States, five Canadian provinces, Australia and Mexico to compete for the top spot in the Cinch National High School Rodeo Finals.

Karl didn’t bring home a buckle this time but she had a great time and did very well in the Pole Bending and Reined Cow Horse competition. “I had 2 really nice runs in pole bending and ran my personal best and reined cow horse went really well! I was very happy with it and had a lot of fun!” said Karl “My goal is to make nationals again as well as scholarships as I’m graduating and planning to go to post secondary and continue to rodeo.”

We wish good luck in your future endeavors and we hope you earn a spot in the Cinch National High School Rodeo Finals in 2020. CR



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