On July 7th 2020, 100 Mile House RCMP received a report of an assault in Centennial Park in 100 Mile House BC. The event took place at the south end of the park near a covered picnic table close to the parking area sometime between the hours of 6 PM to 9 PM. The victim describes the unknown male suspect as Caucasian, approximately 6 feet tall with a slim build, with brown hair and green eyes. No clothing description was provided.


100 Mile House RCMP are seeking any witnesses that may have been in the park during that time who may have seen a struggle at the covered picnic table  between the times noted above. The male was reported to have fled the assault scene by running north toward the stage area of the park.


Police have seized video at a location near the park entrance and there are possible witnesses going in and out of the park area from 6-9 PM. No one had reported an ongoing assault during those hours to Police, but 100 Mile House RCMP are thinking that someone might have seen something occur which may support the investigation given the people coming and going from the parking entrance during those hours.


If you have any information to provide to Police, please contact the 100 Mile House RCMP at 250-395-2456 and refer to file 2020-2162, or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) to report your information anonymously.



S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Sunrise Ford Ltd