On June 13th 2020 at 10:11 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP was working in 100 Mile House near First Street when an officer observed a grey Chevrolet truck enter a parking lot and complete a “donut” right behind their unmarked patrol vehicle. RCMP followed the vehicle a short distance to observe any other driving behaviour and found the driver spinning his tires again at the intersection of Horse Lake Road and Highway 97. A traffic stop was initiated. The sober driver, a 42 year old Sheridan Lake resident, was served a Drive without Consideration motor vehicle act ticket and his truck was impounded for 7 days under current “Stunting” legislation. This file is concluded.


On June 13th 2020 at 11:03 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP completed a traffic stop with a vehicle along Canim-Hendrix Lake Road near 100 Mile House BC due to inactive insurance on the vehicle. During the traffic stop, the officer noted a pack of “Rolled Gold” contraband cigarettes sitting on the dash of the vehicle, which are illegal to possess. Both the driver and passenger were arrested for possession of a contraband item. A search of the male driver located a set of brass knuckles, which are a prohibited weapon under the Criminal Code, in a pant pocket. A further search of the vehicle incidental to arrest produced a small amount of methamphetamine and what is believed to be a cutting agent for other controlled substances. The driver and passenger were released from custody without process as a Summons will be sought for charge approval. A valid temporary plate had been observed after the traffic stop had been started, so both were allowed to continue with the vehicle. The investigation is ongoing.


On June 16th 2020 at 4:33 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP were dispatched to the 500 block of Birch Avenue in 100 Mile House BC for a report of a found child. The complainant had observed a young boy, determined to be 3 years of age, walking alone near the movie theatre. All members attended. Several witnesses were on scene assisting with the boy, who was understandably upset. Officers quickly located a babysitter who had been looking after a family of children who had been playing hide and seek. The young boy had been inside the home and they were unaware he had decided to wander off. A parent came and collected the child and a safety plan was discussed with the babysitter and parent for future use in these situations. The investigation is concluded.


If you have any further information on these or other files which are currently being investigated by the 100 Mile House RCMP, please phone 250-395-2456 and ask to speak with an officer or you can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS if you wish to provide information anonymously.


S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Big Sky North Roofing & Gutters