100 Mile House RCMP-GRC wishes to inform the local area that our regular phone number – 250-395-2456 – will be out of service briefly on May 23rd 2019 from approximately 6:45 AM to 9:15 AM for emergency maintenance. If anyone calls into the detachment on the regular phone line during that time period, they will get a busy signal.


We ask that if someone has an emergency situation or needs the 100 Mile House RCMP to attend an event immediately, that they use 911 to contact Police during that time period.


If you are replying back to an officer, have a general query or are reporting an event not requiring immediate police assistance, please wait until after 9:15 AM to contact your local RCMP or come to the detachment at 841 Alder Avenue in 100 Mile House to speak with staff or a police officer.


We apologize for the inconvenience, but these improvements are necessary to our phone system in order to maintain operations.


S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Regency Chrysler