2021-244 – On January 20th 2021, a 100 Mile citizen reported that their backpack with a number of valuables in it had fallen out of their vehicle while travelling from a location along Cariboo Trail in 100 Mile House BC to their residence out near Canim Lake BC. The backpack contained a number of valuable items, including a wedding ring. Members completed patrols along the route while attending other complaints but did not locate the pack. The next day, a friend of the complainant found the backpack hanging from a telephone pole near the Canim Lake Store, with all the valuables still inside. While this story has no real crime related event or interest beyond our complainant receiving her valuables back, it is nice to be able to say we live in a pretty good community. Such items, if located, can be brought to your local detachment for safekeeping as well. File is concluded.


2021-267 – On January 22nd 2021, 100 Mile House RCMP along with Commercial Vehicle Inspectors (100 Mile House), RCMP Cariboo Central Regional Crime Reduction Unit (Williams Lake) and BC Highway Patrol out of 100 Mile House RCMP completed a joint force operation within the 100 Mile House Detachment area, but specifically in the Interlakes / Deka Lake area and within 100 Mile House proper. A number of priority offenders were contacted during this operations and several files created for criminal code and traffic offences. 100 Mile House RCMP wish to thank all the agencies assisting us with these projects, which will continue. This file is concluded.


2021-273 – On January 22nd 2021 at 10:50 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP completed a traffic stop with a person known to Police as part of the joint force operation occurring on this date. The 34 year old local man driving the car was arrested for an outstanding endorsed warrant. A search incidental to arrest resulted in locating drug paraphernalia on his person, resulting in the vehicle being searched as a result of possession of a controlled substance.  A .22 rifle was located in the trunk of vehicle and seized by Police. A small bag was located under the driver’s seat, which contained a substance believed to be a fentanyl hybrid with the street name of “down”. The man was released roadside with a court date in April 2021. The investigation is ongoing.


2021-282 – On January 24th 2021 at 07:23 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to a report of a break and enter with mischief involved in the 5800 block of Horse Lake Road in 100 Mile House BC. The complainant was leaving to go ice fishing and came across a strange backpack on the back seat of his personal truck. As the complainant went through that vehicle and others in the driveway, he checked on his travel trailer where he observed one unknown person sleeping inside with the door locked. Police attended and located the trailer vacant with tracks going off into the trees. A search was conducted by no one was located. The backpack was searched and articles within the pack provided an investigative direction with a known male as a possible suspect. There was one other report of a suspicious male reported on January 25th in the 600 block of Horse Lake Road where another complainant located strange shoes in his detached garage and when reported to Police, these shoes were also linked to the same male by previous investigations. Police have evidence to believe this man has now left the local area and fled to the lower mainland. The investigation is ongoing.


2021-284 – On January 24th 2021 at 11:29 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP responded to a reported break and enter into a recycling business yard in the 300 block of Moore Road in 100 Mile House BC. The event had occurred over the weekend, where at least two unknown suspects had jumped the fence and stolen a number of catalytic converters kept on site. The items were worth approximately $18,000 Cdn funds. There were no witnesses to the theft. Local businesses were canvassed for video evidence, but none was obtained which showed any suspicious behaviour. The investigation is concluded pending further developments.


Anyone with information on these or other events which occur in the 100 Mile House RCMP Detachment area can call 250-395-2456 to speak with an officer about an investigation, or anyone can call 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) at BC Crime Stoppers if they wish to report their information anonymously.


S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Timber Mart United Floors