On May 21st 2020 at 5:01 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to a residence in the Sheridan Lake BC area for a report of a stolen boat. The boat had been taken at some point from the dock on this date. The boat is described as a 12 foot Princecraft Aluminum boat with captain’s chairs and a Minn-Kota electrical motor attached. The boat had the former owner’s name engraved on a part of the boat. Please see the attached photo of the small craft for publication (Boat 2_1.jpg). The owner’s neighbours had done a search of the lake area to ensure the boat had just not floated away. There was no evidence at scene to support a possible suspect. The investigation is ongoing.


On May 13th 2020 at 2:02 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP responded to a reported theft from motor vehicle in the 300 block of Horse Lake Road in 100 Mile House BC. The complainant reports his work vehicle had been accidentally left unlocked and a number of tools valued up to $1200 Cdn funds had been taken. There was no damage to the truck. There were no viable surfaces for a property crime examination.  RCMP recommend ensuring that serial numbers and/or some identification point is labelled/recorded by the owner or if possible carved into the surface of tools or machine parts in order to assist with identifying stolen property. This can assist Police if they locate suspected stolen property. This file is concluded.


On May 15th 2020 at 01:39 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP assisted Lone Butte Fire Department and 100 Mile Fire Rescue at a house fire in the 5600 block of Highway 24 near Lone Butte BC. All family members were located unharmed, although one person was transported to hospital for treatment. RCMP are working alongside the Office of the Fire Commission to determine cause, if possible. The investigation is ongoing.


On May 16th 2020 at 1:55 PM, Cariboo Regional Traffic Services of 100 Mile House RCMP witnessed a white truck driving along First Street in 100 Mile House BC and stopped the vehicle to check insurance and licence status due to the known history of the registered owner. The driver was observed to have glossy eyes and was salivating excessively. The driver provided a sample into an Approved Screening Device and a “FAIL” reading registered. The class 7 driver was served a 90 day driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for 30 days. This investigation is concluded.


On May 19th 2020 at 6:20 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP responded to a theft of vehicle overnight from the Lakewood Inn in 100 Mile House BC. The registered owner reports his white 1994 Chevy single cab truck was parked out front and stolen at approximately 3:00 AM according to the video surveillance. No suspects could be seen as the truck was parked away from the cameras. On May 26th 2020, this vehicle was located in a public parking lot in Kamloops BC with both plates still attached. A 27 year old male from 100 Mile House was found sleeping in the vehicle and was arrested by Kamloops RCMP, who are seeking charges of Possess Stolen Property on this male. Our file is now concluded to their substantive file.


On May 21st 2020 at 6:48 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP and BC Conservation Officers attended an address in the 2900 block of Spout Lake Road in Lac La Hache BC for a report of a hunter shooting a mother bear illegally near that location. The hunter was cooperative and stayed on scene to speak with Conservation and RCMP. After completing their investigation, BC Conservation served violation tickets on the hunter and the bear was seized. The two cubs associated to the mother bear were left at the location to be monitored further by the local Conservation officers. Our assist file is concluded.



On May 22nd 2020 at 8:15 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to an address in the 5000 block of Canim-Hendrix Lake Road near Buffalo Creek BC for a report of threats and an ongoing neighbour dispute. The initial caller stated that they were concerned about a neighbour friend who had allegedly threatened to shoot them after they came over to the neighbour’s residence. Further investigation revealed that the complainant was actually the aggressor in the situation and was found to be threatening and extorting funds from his elderly neighbour. The complainant was subsequently arrested and lodged in cells. Due to concerns of a child living in the residence of the initial complainant/now suspect, 100 Mile House RCMP assisted with the local Ministry of Children and Families attending to that residence to check on the child’s welfare, at which point two insecure firearms were located in plain view and were seized by Police. Charges are pending against the 61 year old male suspect. The investigation is ongoing.



On May 25th 2020 at 5:06 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to several locations within  Exeter Station Industrial area for reports of fuel thefts. Large quantities of diesel fuel had been removed from work vehicles and tidy tanks within the zone. Video evidence is still being reviewed at this time, the investigations are ongoing.



On May 26th 2020 at 9:09 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP and Cariboo Regional Traffic Services responded to a report of an intoxicated driver parked at the Interlakes Market along Hwy 24 in Sheridan Lake BC. The initial complaint reported two individuals in a blue Nissan parked at that location and were passed out or high on drugs. The officers responded and located the vehicle with its occupants still inside the vehicle at the owner’s residence. A drug pipe was on the dashboard of the vehicle and all occupants subsequently arrested for possession of a controlled substance and the driver arrested for prohibited driving. An occupant of the residence came out of the home and was warned to stay away from the car, but this person did not follow direction and was subsequently arrested for obstruction of the police investigation. All parties spoke with legal aid at scene. A search of the vehicle incidental to arrest located a number of different controlled substances (drugs). The driver was served an appearance notice for prohibited driving and served a number of provincial driving offences via a violation ticket. The vehicle was impounded. The investigation is ongoing.



Anyone with information about these files or other events which have occurred within the 100 Mile House RCMP Detachment area are encouraged to call the Detachment at 250-395-2456 and refer to the file number if possible If someone wishes to remain anonymous, the can contact Crime Stoppers directly at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).



Over the past two weeks, 100 Mile House RCMP has received several calls from property owners and concerned citizens regarding suspicious behaviour in and around their neighbourhoods, especially in our rural areas. This is greatly appreciated by your local RCMP Detachment and we hope those calls continue. Just this week, 100 Mile House RCMP received funding through the Civil Forfeiture Program of BC and will be purchasing items with those funds that will hopefully assist us in combatting rural crime. More information will be provided at a later time once these purchases are finalized and our plan is fully developed. As you know, policing within our area presents challenges due to the geographical size, unique regional communities and resources available at the detachment level, however, we are trying to become more efficient and creative using funding available to us at this time. We appreciate your continued support.



S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Work N Play Clothing
Regency Chrysler