On May 29th 2020 at 1:21 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP were advised of a theft from the Interlakes Community Hall along Highway 24 in Bridge Lake BC. The complainant reports that an unknown person had taken four telephone poles which had been donated to the community hall from their property at some point over the past few days. There were no reported suspects or witnesses to the theft. The investigation is concluded pending further information being developed.


On May 29th 2020 at 4:28 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP received a report from a concerned home owner along  near Bridge Lake. The home owner had seen security photos come from their own security system highlighting people coming onto his property over the last two nights with a small dog. The complainant also indicated there were clearly placed no trespass signs around the property and had a secure gate. RCMP attended to the property to check for any damage or theft and found none. It appears that perhaps some neighbours are using the property to walk their pets. 100 Mile House RCMP reminds the public that people should respect private property and not use potential seasonal as a walking path for their regular walks. Please continue to look out for neighbourhood properties in remote areas. The investigation is concluded.


On June 2nd 2020 at 10:45 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP were on patrol when the officer observed a Jeep Cherokee pull out of a known drug house in the 100 Mile House area. The officer followed the vehicle to a local retail store and then concluded the driver was unlicenced. A vehicle stop commenced where a mandatory Approved Screening Device (ASD) demand was read to the driver given the signs of impairment observed. The driver blew two fails into two different ASD. The driver was issued a 90 day driving prohibition and the vehicle impounded for 30 days. The investigation is concluded.


Anyone with information on these or other files which are investigated in the 100 Mile RCMP Detachment area can contact the RCMP at 250-395-2456 to speak with an officer directly or, if they wish to remain anonymous, can contact Crime Stoppers online or by phone at 1-800-222- TIPS(8477).


100 Mile House RCMP continues to receive daily tips with suspicious behaviour going on within local areas on a regular basis as part of community watch plans in various communities within our detachment boundaries. 100 Mile House RCMP did receive supportive funding from Civil Forfeiture Programs where new equipment is being purchased which will hopefully be able to support investigations in rural areas. Stay tuned for more information as the program is developed and presented to area stakeholders prior to being rolled out in its final form. We appreciate your continued support.


S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Regency Chrysler

Regency Chrysler