On December 12th 2019, another vehicle incident from 2019-12-10 occurred where a vehicle did not stop for a school bus along the 6000 block of Horse Lake Road. Unfortunately, the vehicle’s licence plate was obscured by snow. 100 Mile House RCMP reminds the public, again, that school buses which are stopped and have their red lights flashing and stop signs out are not to be passed by motorists due to the overwhelming safety risk to our children. The investigation is concluded.


This is not a typo – same circumstances, different file:


On December 12th 2019, another vehicle incident from 2019-12-10 occurred where a grey Ram pickup had passed a school bus which was stopped legally and had all lights and signage engaged in the 5900 block of Horse Lake Road. The registered owner was contacted and he attended the detachment to be served the appropriate fine for passing a stopped school bus. 100 Mile House RCMP reminds area residents, again, that school buses which are stopped and have their red lights flashing and stop sings out are not to be passed by motorists due to the overwhelming safety risk to our children. The investigation is concluded.


On December 12th 2019, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to a break and enter at a cabin along Spout Lake Road near Lac La Hache BC. The complainant reported his cabin had been entered thru a broken window and it appeared that someone had used the residence to warm themselves. After the investigation commenced, RCMP discovered that a male who had been using an ATV on the lake may have crashed and used the cabin to warm up and may have also had some minor injuries from the accident. The cabin owner is understanding of those situational factors and is not interested in pursuing charges. RCMP are hoping the male who was using the ATV on the lake will make contact with the RCMP to ensure they’re ok and to confirm details of what occurred. The investigation is ongoing.


On December 16th 2019, 100 Mile House RCMP attended to a report of an impaired or prohibited driver along Clarke Ave in Lac La Hache BC. Members attended and patrolled the local area, locating an older model Ford pickup being driven down Clarke Ave, which matched the description of the suspect vehicle. The 52 year old male driver was found to exhibit signs of intoxication and was presented with an approved screening device demand, to which he provided two samples both of which showed “fail” readings. The driver was served a 90 day immediate roadside prohibition and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days. The investigation is concluded.


If anyone has information on these files or others involving matters in the 100 Mile House RCMP detachment area, please contact us at 250-395-2456 or contact Crime Stoppers.



Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC






Regency Chrysler