With less than one week for residents to complete the Economic Development survey, Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development and Planning has been pleased with the response to
date. “We have had a great response so far, with now over 368 survey responses” observed Doddridge. At 20% of the responses, 100 Mile House residents have the largest percentage of participation, followed closely by 108 Mile Ranch (17%), Horse Lake Road (15%) and Canim Lake (13%).

“We would certainly like to see more responses from 100 Mile House residents” mentioned Doddridge, “but also communities towards Interlakes, Lone Butte and Lac La Hache. It would be great to see more responses from our neighbouring local communities and businesses.”

The survey provides opportunity for residents to provide their comments. As 100 Mile House provides services for a population much greater than just the residents, having specific survey feedback from residents throughout the South Cariboo helps to provide factual data for anecdotal information. As survey responses will provide direction for the Economic Development Strategy everyone is encouraged to contribute.
The survey is open until January 23 and with time running out local residents are encouraged to participate. The link for the online survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/100MileHouseED. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and all answers are anonymous. The survey can also be found on the District
website at www.100milehouse.com.

Mayor Mitch Campsall noted “the number of responses we have received to date is very encouraging. We understand the beginning of 2021 has been uncertain and I am very appreciative of everyone that has taken the time to complete the survey. With only four days left to participate in the survey, we want everyone to take 10 minutes and provide their feedback.”


For further information, contact:
Joanne Doddridge
Director of Economic Development and Planning