On November 13th, 100 Mile RCMP were called about a group of young males bothering patrons outside the 100 Mile Library. One of the males was reported to be in possession of a “taser.” Police attended and arrested one male youth for possession of a prohibited weapon. He was held for a period of time and released for a Court Date in 100 Mile House on February 5th.

During the last week, 100 Mile RCMP received two complaints of mischief to property by spray-painting. One occurred in the Industrial area of Tatton-Station Road, the other was at the 108 Mile Water Treatment plant. The words painted are similar in nature at both locations. Anyone having information about these events is asked to contact the 100 Mile House RCMP or call Crime Stoppers.

On November 16th, Police and Emergency Crews responded to a single vehicle roll-over collision on Canim-Hendrix Lake Road near Bates Road. The female driver of a Chevrolet Montana, lost control on the roadway before going into the ditch and rolling. The driver was taken to 100 Mile Hospital for treatment non-life threatening injuries. The cause of the collision has not been determined at this time.

Sometime overnight of November 14th, a white 1998 Dodge 2500 pick-up was stolen from a residence on Gibson Road near 100 Mile House. This vehicle with BC Plate 3687FM has not yet been recovered. Anyone having information about this theft is asked to call the 100 Mile RCMP and quote file 2018-4389.

On November 16th, 100 Mile RCMP located a green Polaris Side-by-Side U.T.V. on Highway 24 near Irish Lake. This item had been stolen in October from a property in the vicinity of 70 Mile House. This investigation into this incident is continuing.

On November 18th at 01:47, 100 Mile RCMP were called about a male attempting to steal a vehicle from 5700 block of Horse Lake Road. The male suspect was scared off by the owner of the vehicle. The Police Dog Handler from Williams Lake attended to assist. A track was located but lost a short distance away. The male suspect was described as 5’5” tall, stocky, Caucasian and wearing a black hat. Anyone having information about this incident is asked to call the 100 Mile RCMP and quote file 2018-4433 or call Crime Stoppers.

Sometime between November 12th and November 14th, unknown culprits stole a quantity of diesel fuel from a business located on Highway 97 near 112 Mile. Approximately $3500.00 in fuel was stolen.

Sometime overnight of November 17th, unknown culprits broken into a structure at the intersection of Highway 97 and Canim-Hendrix Lake Road. A number of tools were stolen along with an IBM Think Pad. The amount of loss is not known at this time.

If you have any information on this or any other crimes in the 100 Mile House area, call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). You can also contact www.bccrimestoppers.com. Your identity will remain
unknown. Should your information lead to the arrest of the responsible party Crime Stoppers will pay cash for the TIP.

Sgt. Don McLean / Operations NCO / 100 Mile House Detachment

Regency Chrysler