Warmer temperatures by the weekend, -7 by Saturday and 0 on Sunday. Local highway conditions compact snow with blowing snow conditions. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

28TH GOLD RUSH TRAIL SLED DOG MAIL RUN 2020. January 23rd – 26th 2020

The Gold Rush Trail Dog Sled Mail Run is living history over a 4 day annual event. For the past 27 years, on the fourth weekend of January, dog teams and dedicated mushers from near and far, who have been sworn in as official mail carriers have carried Canada Post mail in their dog sleds over the Gold Rush Trail to Barkerville.

Special Mail Run envelopes are designed each year with artwork by local artists, printed and sold from this website, or at local outlets, stamped “Carried by Dog Team” and hand cancelled by volunteers in Quesnel, Wells and Barkerville, the three post offices along the route. Once delivered to Barkerville, this mail enters the regular mail system for delivery anywhere in the world.We welcome volunteers to take part in this fun event, and we encourage skiers, skijorers and others to participate in this run.

Or find them on Facebook at Gold Rush Trail Sled Dog Mail Run.


Sunrise Ford 100 Mile HouseSunrise Ford 100 Mile House

  • 100 Mile Feed and Ranch Supply
  • Regency Chrysler