A new Recycle BC depot opens in Quesnel on Dec. 1, 2018 in response to changes in the global recycling market. The new recycling depot, located near the Quesnel landfill, will be a controlled site with an attendant. Residents will be able to recycle a broader range of packaging and paper recyclables.


The new site opens as the current recycling drop-off depots close at West Park Mall, Maple Park Mall, Sani-loop and the Quesnel landfill. Despite the City’s education campaigns regarding contamination in the depot recycling material, the recyclables from these locations continue to be contaminated and are non-marketable in the current global recycling market.


In January 2018, China reduced the level of contamination they accept with recyclables. China will only import the cleanest recyclable material, which makes marketing the contaminated paper and plastic recyclable materials from Quesnel’s current depots extremely challenging and costly.


Recycle BC is still able to market their recyclables due to strict rules, such as requiring attended depots, which produces a cleaner product. By establishing a full Recycle BC depot, the City and Cariboo Regional District recycling programs in Quesnel will be able to continue.


The Recycle BC depot will be located near the Quesnel landfill on Carson Pit Road, beside the re-use centre. It will be open the same hours as the landfill: Tuesday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


There will be no changes to existing curbside collection for City residents. Quesnel residents who receive curbside collection can continue to use their blue boxes to recycle packaging and papers. Plastic bags, film, other flexible plastic packaging, glass and Styrofoam can be recycled at the new Recycle BC depot and should not be placed in curbside recycling bins.


For more information, please email talktrash@cariboord.ca <mailto:talktrash@cariboord.ca>  or cityhall@quesnel.ca <mailto:cityhall@quesnel.ca> . Read a full Frequently Asked Questions document <https://cariboord.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a072b7c8ac9f492f44072c26a&id=4676a740d4&e=d9318e0a18>  on the CRD or City websites.


Find a list of acceptable recycling materials at recyclebc.ca/what-can-i-recycle <https://cariboord.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a072b7c8ac9f492f44072c26a&id=5bdfb6abf3&e=d9318e0a18>  or pick up a recycling guide at the new depot location.


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