Organizers from the Old Timers Hockey Association came together this weekend in Lac La Hache.  They hosted their 1st Annual Fun Fundraiser Hockey Tournament in support of the Rolf Zeis Memorial Arena. 8 teams consisting in both male and female players from the Cariboo participated throughout the three day event. During the 3 day tourney from Friday to Sunday they managed to play 13 games in -24 degree temperatures. The cold weather didn’t stop everyone from having a great time, knowing they were supporting the LLH arena.


The funds raised over the weekend will go towards helping with the monthly maintenance and upkeep. The Rolf Zeis Memorial Arena is entirely operated by local volunteers. Organizers of the tournament Phil Doddridge and Dale Kropinak were happy to state that after all organizing bills were covered the fundraiser raised approximately $28,000.


This amount is mainly based on the generous donation received from local residents Ken & Julie Hoschka, Ken Campbell of Excel Fire and Water Restoration and funds raised throughout the tournament. Jackson’s Social Club and Brew House raffled off a fully stocked beer fridge plus, an Edmonton Oilers jersey was auction off to add to the fundraising Organizers are planning for this to become an annual event and funds will be directed towards helping the community with the seasonal financial cost of the arena. Accolades to everyone that was involved and a Big Thank You to the local individual donations.

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