The City of Williams Lake is pleased to announce that during its regular meeting on June 25, 2019, Council unanimously endorsed the Housing Incentive Policy that establishes the framework for ensuring applications can move forward to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s (NDIT) newly established Housing Incentive Program.



“This grant program provides funding for local governments to create a “Dollars for Doors” program by incentivizing private sector housing developments. As a local government, we are eligible to receive a grant up to $10,000 per dwelling unit created in a multi-unit housing project to a maximum contribution of $200,000,” says Beth Veenkamp, Economic Development Officer.



The grant programs are available for any new project development that are four units or greater and will incentivize developers to consider higher density projects in the region. Each project would need to be “shovel ready” for City staff to apply to the program, which accepts applications on a quarterly basis. The program does not allow renovations of currently existing properties; however, the conversion of existing commercial properties to new residential units is allowed.



“We are very pleased that the Northern Development Initiative Trust has taken the steps to support developing housing stock throughout the region,” states Mayor Walt Cobb. “Council has noted that their leadership in providing this incentive for municipalities to support new market housing is very progressive. Our Development Services team will continue to work with local developers to ensure that all of the available incentive programs are being fully utilized in this region to help with our current housing shortage.”



Details on the new program application criteria can be found on the City of Williams Lake web site at:



Further information can be found on the Northern Development Initiative Trust website at:



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