At the Economic Development Transition Meeting, organizations such as the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce, District of 100 Mile House, Cariboo Regional District, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) and Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin came together to discuss resources and supports currently available for small businesses in the community, as well as resources that would be useful so that funding opportunities could be identified and pursued.


Current top-of-list items for discussion by the committee include a Self-Employment Forum being planned by Horton Ventures and Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin for August 20th at the Work BC site in 100 Mile which will help to provide information to people in the community interested to start-up a business, and the development of a Small Business Support Program Resource Brochure which was compiled by the District of 100 Mile House and made available at the Town Hall Meeting July 27th.


Additionally, the Regional Operations office for FLNRORD are beginning the process of coordinating an information session for contractors which will be held Thursday August 29. Individuals interested to learn more about the Self-Employment Forum can contact Horton Ventures at (250-644-4721). Contractors and forestry consultants interested to learn more about the Contractor Info Session can contact the 100 Mile House Forest District Office at (250-395-7800) and request to speak to Kane Copely, Bill Warden or Sarah Szatmari. The BC Rural Dividend Program has been identified by FLNRORD as a resource for nonprofit organizations in the community interested to submit grant applications that will broadly support economic development in the community. Deadline for the Rural Dividend is August 15th.


The Community Transition Committee focuses on alignment of mental health and wellness supports, as well as discussion around external communications with the community. At this committee’s meeting, priority topics included the compilation of a single-source resource document which could be used to highlight the broad spectrum of mental health and wellness supports identified to date and the alignment and coordination of in-person supports.


These in-person supports include:
• Drop-in counselling services Monday and Friday afternoons from 1-3 p.m. at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (subject to availability)


• CMHA’s Community Navigator assists people to access and navigate local, provincial and federal supports and services. The Community Navigator assists with forms and with accessing income
supports, applying for disability, O.A. P or E.I. and other benefits, connecting with a GP and other needs. The CMHA Community Navigator can be reached by calling Leah Sinal at 250-644-1687


• Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy is able to assist people in filling out forms and online applications.


• The start-up of “Compassionate Ear Listening Services” being coordinated between the United Way Community Wellness Manager for the 100 Mile House region and Horton Ventures out of
the Work BC office location.


The Worker Transition Tables discuss alignment and communication of services for workers impacted at curtailing and closing mill sites, helping to ensure workers and any individuals in the community losing their jobs are familiar with services available to support them. These services include those provided by Service Canada for Employment Insurance, Work BC for resume and job-search assistance, Industry Training Authority can assist with workers with trades training planning or challenging, and Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin can assist people who want to transition by opening new businesses or purchasing existing for-sale businesses.



Mayor Mitch Campsall highlighted that these Transition Tables bring together different support agencies to identify gaps in the supports available and collaborate to fill those gaps. “We are making progress on various supports at each of these tables, but there is no magic bullet that can reverse global market conditions or corporate decisions. We just need to work together through this economic adjustment and support each other.”



…working together and supporting our local businesses through this challenging time…


For more information contact:
Joanne Doddridge



Regency Chrysler 100 Mile House


  • Regency Chrysler