A series of controlled pile burns are planned in Walker Valley, in the 108 Mile Ranch area, between Oct. 11 and Nov. 30, 2019. The 108 Greenbelt Commission is coordinating the project with support from the Cariboo Regional District and the 108 Mile Volunteer Fire Department.

This work is a continuation of the pile burning last fall to dispose of the debris from previous fuel management projects.

Burning will be conducted in a controlled manner when conditions are appropriate, and the piles will be closely monitored. Some smoke and flames may be visible from the piles.

Please direct any questions to Ron Soeder, 108 Greenbelt Commission Chair at greenbelt@bcinternet.net or 250-791-5752 or Area G Area Director Al Richmond at arichmond@cariboord.ca or 250-791-5477.

The 108 Greenbelt Service was established by the Cariboo Regional District in 1996 to provide for the management of the 108 Greenbelt lands, which cover approximately 575 hectares throughout the 108 Mile Ranch community, and provide opportunities for public recreation. The property is held under title by the CRD and managed by the 108 Greenbelt Commission whose members are appointed by the Board on recommendation of the Electoral Area G Director.

For more information about the 108 Greenbelt Service, visit cariboord.ca/108-mile-greenbelt.




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