Six new Directors were elected to the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board of Directors on Saturday, Oct. 20 as part of the local government elections taking place across the province. CRD Elections were held in Electoral Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L of the Regional District.

All other Electoral Area Directors, including new Area I Director Jim Glassford, were acclaimed on Sept. 24, 2018.

A total of 4,654 voters came out to vote, out of the 18,895 eligible voters in Areas A, B, E, F, J, K and L in the Regional District. Voter turnout was higher than in the 2014 elections, which saw 2,137 voters.

For the North Cariboo Airport Service referendum, 1446 ballots were cast by CRD residents with 72% saying yes to establishing a contribution service for the Quesnel Regional Airport. In total, 1 044 people voted yes and 402 voted no.

The 2019-2022 Board of Directors will include the following electoral area directors:

Electoral Area Director Acclaimed/Elected New Director
Area A Mary Sjostrom Elected New
Area B Barbara Bachmeier Elected New
Area C John Massier Acclaimed  
Area D Steve Forseth Acclaimed  
Area E Angie Delainey Elected  
Area F Conrad Turcotte Elected New
Area G Al Richmond Acclaimed  
Area H Margo Wagner Acclaimed  
Area I Jim Glassford Acclaimed New
Area J Gerald Kirby Elected New
Area K Chad Mernett Elected New
Area L Willow MacDonald Elected New


Representatives from the CRD’s four member municipalities; the District of 100 Mile House, the City of Quesnel, the City of Williams Lake and the District of Wells, will be appointed during their respective inaugural meetings.

The CRD’s inaugural meeting for the new Board of Directors will take place on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018, at which time they will take their oath of office.