Tracy Haddow the Executive Director for 100 Mile District Palliative Society is very pleased on how the community has stepped up to support Hospice Awareness Month. Many local Restaurants have offered up meals with a portion each sell being donated to Hospice. Some of the businesses that supported 100 Mile Hospice during May “Hospice Awareness Month” were:

Mary’s Country Kitchen, Chartreuse Moose, 100 Mile Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza, Lac La Hache Bakery, Gale Ogden and Krystal Dickson Zumba Fitness, Timber Mart 100 Mile House, Horse Lake Garden Centre and Tammy Briggs at the Cariboo Plant Ranch.

Cariboo Plant Ranch had a Sunflower Fundraiser for 100 Mile District Hospice Society where they made a donation to Hospice with the sale of every potted sunflower; which are now sold out.

Dan Jackson donated $1000 to Hospice in the memory of his late wife Colleen Jackson. “The support from Hospice was incredible and I wish to thank Hospice for all that they do in our community.” Dan Jackson.

There was overwhelming support from the community for the Jackson family which has a long family history in the Cariboo.

Dan said, “We had a wonderful life together in the Cariboo, it was like living in paradise.”  Colleen was presented with a homemade memory quilt May 7th made by 100 Mile Hospice volunteers.


I’m extremely thrilled.  When COVID hit we had everything in place, we were moving forward with a solid plan to bring awareness to Hospice and then we got into a stall mode for a while. We started reaching out in small ways and were surprised that local businesses not only helped to get the word out about Hospice they actually put together great ways to financially support 100 Mile Hospice.” Tracy Haddow-100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Society.

If you wish to support Hospice, please contact us at 250-395-7680 please leave a message and they will get back to you.

Thank You For Your Support