Artist Walk and Talk Friday, October 5

Quesnel Art Gallery 7:00 pm

The current art exhibit “interpretations” by Cheri Maisonneuve, Lee-Anne Chisholm and Katja Kovanen will have the artists talk about collaborating on mixed media works hung in the show.

Thee will also be  a draw for a free art print from those who have submitted feedback on the exhibit.


Quesnel Old Time Fiddlers Hospitality & Jam Night

 Friday, October 5 Royal Canadian Legion Hall

7:00 pm

 Families Welcome



 Saturday, October 6th 8:30 am – 1:00pm

 Entertainment:  Kim Kolenchuk

 Only 1 more market after this one for the season.


Family Fun Bottle Collection

Saturday, October 6 Safeway Parking Lot 9:00 am


Quesnel Memorial Pow Wow

Saturday, October 6 & Sunday, October 7

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

For details about the annual Pow Wow, please call the Friendship Centre at 250-992-8347.


Quesnel Old Time Fiddlers Contest, Dinner & Dance Saturday, October 6

Royal Canadian Legion Hall

Contest:  11:00 am /Dinner:  6:30 pm/ Dancing:  till midnight!

For more information, please call Jean at 250-992-5081.


RCMA “Thanks for Live Music” Saturday, October 6

The Occidental  6:30 pm

Admission $5 or $15 for a family of 3 or more.  Play, sing, listen …or all 3!


2018 Candidates Forum Thursday, October 11

College of New Caledonia Quesnel

6:00 pm

The Chamber of Commerce is hosting this event; please submit questions to the Chamber office no later than October 9th. The questions will be compiled and randomly chosen.


Long Table: Decadent Raw Desserts Thursday, October 11

Long Table Grocery

6:00 pm

Learn how to make delicious and healthy recipes as well as sample delicious raw Chocolate Torte! This workshop is hands-on and all supplies are provided.  Tickets are $40 per person and you must pre-register online or in-store on Wednesdays between 12 -6.


Quesnel Art Gallery:  Inspirations Opening Reception

Friday, October 12

Quesnel Art Gallery

7:00 pm

A show of paintings by Judith DesBrisay and Megan Long.  The show is sponsored by Monica and Bob Segin and Cariboo Pulp and runs until November 10th.


5th Annual Home-Based Business Fall Event Saturday, October 13

Quesnel Seniors’ Centre

9:00 am

CJ Directory is hosting it’s annual Home Based Business Event featuring businesses that advertised in our Home Based Business Section. Get your holiday shopping started early or just come visit us for lunch! There will be a concession hosted by Craig’s Table, door prizes and a children’s colouring contest. FREE Admission!


Used Clothing Pop-up Market Saturday, October 13

The Lodge 10:00 am

Clean out your closet and make some cash. Rent a table for $25, and make some room in your closets! Send us a private message on our Facebook page or email to book your table.


Quesnel Kangaroos vs Kitimat Ice Demons

Saturday, October 13

West Fraser Centre

7:30 pm

Come out and cheer on your hometown Roos at their Home Opener! $10 Adult, $8 Seniors, $5 kids 10 and under. Cash or cheque only; available at the door. GOO ROOS!


The Occidental Presents: Celestial Ruin

Friday, October 12 & Saturday, October 13


Big City Burlesque Sunday, October 14

The Occidental 7:30 pm

We are thrilled to present to you, Big City Burleque! Starring the delightful talents of three incredible out of town performers.

Faye Havoc from Vancouver, Cherry Cheeks from Victoria and Cheripop Purr from Saskatoon.
This is a Sunday night show will be earlier than our usual Foxxie Follie Shows. Things will “take off” at 7:30pm! You can pick your tickets up today at the Occidental and get ready for the best Sunday night entertainment in town. $25 Reserved seating $20 General admission.



 CITY OF QUESNELWednesday, October 10 &

Saturday, October 13

City Hall

8:00 am – 8:00 pm


 Wednesday, October 17

CNC/UNBC Quesnel 11:00 am – 4:00 pm


 CARIBOO R.D. AREAS A & B And School Trustees:

Wednesday, October 10 &

Monday, October 15

Quesnel Library  8:00 am – 8:00 pm