Christmas Bird Count for Kids   

Friday, January 3

West Fraser Timber Park

—meet by the playground 12:00 pm

Join in to learn about bird identification, to connect with nature and to become a Citizen Scientist! Registration is not required but is appreciated. Email to

register. Please watch the Baker Creek

Enhancement Society FB page for updates.


Snowed In Comedy Tour 2020   

Sunday, January 5

The Occidental 8:00 pm

The Snowed In Tour has become a Canadian

success story, featuring stellar Canadian

stand-ups. This show: Dan Quinn, Paul

Myrehaug, Pete Zedlacher, and Damonde Tschritter. Tickets available at the



Craft Night    

Tuesday, January 7  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Quesnel & District Seniors’ Society

Bring any portable craft with you and get to know other crafters in Quesnel. Have some fun in the process! It is $1 to attend – fees go to the Seniors’ Centre. Bring a beverage and any snacks or food you need for yourself.


Catching a Flutter of Nature

Opening Reception      

Friday, January 10

The Quesnel Art Gallery  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The January 2020 Gallery Show Opening.

Sharilee Golob shares her love and passion for nature with a solo show of her

watercolor paintings.


Under the Sea!     

Friday, January 10

The Occidental  8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

A circus spectacular brought to you by, V

Performance Troupe, Vile Pole Arts, Angels

Aerial Fitness and The Occidental! Tickets are only $20 in advance, or $25 at the door.


RCMA January I Can See Clearly 2020 Open Mic Night     

Saturday, January 11

The Occidental  6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Come out to the Occidentals first open mic night of 2020 and enjoy local live acts playing music and singing for you all night long!

$5 per person or $15 per family!


Introduction to Native Pollinators & Keeping Honey Bees     

Saturday, January 11

CRD Quesnel Library  10:00 am – 2:00 pm


  • Native Pollinator facts, habitat & Mason bee houses.
  • Honey bee life cycles, health, colony monitoring, disease prevention & treatment.
  • Equipment required to keep a colony of honey bees & honey extraction.
  • Everything you wanted to know about
    honey, propolis & bees wax.
  • Helpful links & resources.
  • Honey tasting.

$15 Fee can be sent via E-transfer to Please send an email to notify us of the password you use in your E-transfer.




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Hallis Lake OPEN HOUSE 2020      

Sunday, January 12

Hallis Lake  10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Come The Hallis Lake annual OPEN HOUSE! Whether new to Cross Country skiing or just getting your feet “wet”, this is the time to bring  everyone out and give it a try!

*Pancake Breakfast

*FREE Ski Rentals and Lessons

*FREE Day Pass + Trail Tours

*Beautifully Groomed Trail System

*Start the new year off with an active hobby!


How to Stop Fraud in Your Business

Or Non-Profit Organization       

Wednesday, January 15

Royal Canadian Legion  5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

THE QUESNEL & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & THE QUESNEL RCMP Present: a seminar on “How to Stop Fraud in Your Business Or Non-Profit Organization”.

$15.00 per person. Admission includes the seminar and appetizers by Bliss.

Please call or email Kathy Somerville for more info. & tickets – Phone: 250-992-7262




Wednesday, January 15

Chuck Mobley Theatre  7:30 pm

Hear the delights of this top classical

Crossover vocal group! Tickets $25 &

available at Save On Foods, Kmax, Green Tree Health, The Occidental and at the door.


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