Body Ascension Flow Breath:

Collaborative Rabble Quesnel BC

Friday July 17

Divine Interventions Holistic Healing

Join Deb for an afternoon of Body Ascension Breath Work (Flow Breath). Please read COVID safety rules, and please pre-register.


Inks/Watercolours Exploration

Saturday July 18

The Space Above 10:00 am

Explore painting with inks and watercolour paints, markers etc. A fun 2 hour workshop where you will create a few different works.

Small group size (5 ppl).

Workshop fee $50 and supplies $15 plus pst. Contact Katja at 250-255-7930 to register or stop by The Space Above to reserve your spot.


Creating Your Own Silhouette Workshop

Saturday July 18

Bouchie Lake Country Store 11:00 am

Join the BLCS and Friends of Bouchie-Milburn Society for a 3 hour workshops creating plywood Silhouettes to take home and enjoy!
Maximum # of Registrants: 12
Pre-Registration is required.


Landscape Painting Workshop

Monday July 20

The Space Above 9:00 am

Create an 11″x14″ painting in an introductory oil painting workshop. Small group size (max 5).

We will be using M. Graham walnut oil paints.

Workshop fee $75 and Supplies $25 + tax.


B Lake Gymkhana Club Nights

Tuesday July 21

B Lake Gymkhana Club 6:00 pm

Membership forms/joining available this night.
2020 HCBC Required.
Concession on site.
Looking forward to seeing you all.


Woman’s Group Rides       

Wednesday July 22

Wonderland Trail 6:00 pm

Hey ladies! Looking for more like minded riding friends? Come check out the Wednesday Night Ladies Rides. For a list of what to bring and how to obtain a trail pass, visit the event Facebook Page or the Gold Rush Cycling Club website.


Richbar Ladies’ Golf League

Thursday July 23

Richbar Nursery Golf and Gardens

Richbar Ladies’ Golf League. Thursdays at 5:30 pm, shotgun start. Due to Covid-19, it will be a Golf Only evening until further notice.

Call 250-255-GOLF (4653) for info.


Bouchie-Milburn Community Safety

Saturday July 18

Bouchie Lake Country Store 11:00 am

Join us on July 25th for a Community Safety Day.
There will be live presentations and information booths available. This is a FREE event.
All Provincial COVID Guidelines will be adhered too! Come out and enjoy learning about Community Safety!


Portrait Workshop

Saturday July 27

The Space Above 9:00 am

Two day intro to portraits workshop. Working from your own reference photos, you will paint a portrait using M. Graham walnut oil paints.

Contact Katja @ 250.255.7930 for more info or to register. Small group size (max 5).
Some drawing experience is helpful, but beginners are welcome.


Trail Maintenance: Wonderland

Tuesday July 28

Dragon Mountain 5:30 pm

The GRCC needs volunteers to help out on maintaining trails, so that there can be smoother rides in the future for all. Volunteers have the chance to win prizes at the end of the season!

For a list of what to bring and how to sign up, visit the event Facebook Page or the Gold Rush Cycling Club website.


QDHPCA: Volunteers Needed!

Quesnel Hospice & Palliative Care

The QDHPCA is looking to recruit new volunteers! They will be hosting a virtual volunteer training series in the late summer/early fall. To sign up, visit, click on Resources &

Services, then Become a Volunteer, fill out the form, and then email it to If you have any questions, email Suzannah or call 250-991-1244.

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