The 108 Heritage site is now has their outside buildings open for viewing.  The buildings will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm daily.  Please keep in mind that social distancing is still in effect and you need to be 2 meters/6 feet apart when outside your own group.  Carol’s Canteen will be here for lunches and treats starting on June 6th.  Unfortunately, because of covi-19 they will be unable to fully open the 108 Heritage site this season.  The Museum, Gift Shop and Chapel will remain closed.

South Cariboo Theater will be putting on a Drive in at Interlakes on Friday June 5th and Saturday June 6th.  The movie this week is Indian Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark which will being at 9:30 pm.  Next week JAWS will be playing.  Online tickets are available.  For more information check out the South Cariboo Theater Facebook page.  Be sure to plan ahead for this as it is a popular event with limited space.

Parkside Art Gallery presents – Celebrating the Cariboo – Chilcotin Life.  You are invited to the debut solo art exhibition of artist Alexandra Verboon.  There exhibit will run from June 27th to July 25th.  There will be an opening reception on June 27th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at 401 Cedar Ave, 100 Mile House.