The 100 Mile House Branch Library Presents:  Saturday Songs and Stories, a story time for families with children under 5, but older siblings are welcome.  You can join them in the 100 Mile House Library Program Room, Saturdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  Bring your library card.

The 100 Mile House Branch Library  is offering short activities for kids from Tuesday to Friday each week of March break.  The first week will be craft focused, with a new craft every day, and the second will feature STEM, which is  Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics –  with a new STEM activity every day.  Registration is free but required with limited spaces.  Mornings will cover ages 6 to 8 years, afternoons will cover ages 9 to 12.  STEM will run from March 17 to 20th and the 24th to 27th.

Parkside Art Gallery Presents  – Imagine will be opening at the Parkside Art Gallery on March 7th from 12 – 3:00 pm, featuring the works of Sarah Sigurdson, Tiffany Jorgensen and Brittany Murphy.

The 100 Mile House Wranglers games have been cancelled.  The KIJHL has agreed to follow suit with the CHL and several professional leagues to suspend operations immediately.  The league will review in the coming days and have a clearer path within the next few days.  They offer their apologies to their stalwart fans but in the interest of public safety, feel that this is the right thing to do.

The Lac la Hache Curling Club Bonspiel is on, Saturday, March 14th at the 100 Mile House curling Rink.  This will be a “Fund Spiel”  The cost is 25.00 per person and includes dinner and three games of four ends.  All ages are welcome.  There will be cash prizes.  For more information or to register, contact Mavis Reid at 250.302.2808 or Hetty Wright at 250.396.4253.  The last day to register is March 7th .

Work N Play Clothing

Free Public Skate on Sunday, March 15th from 1:15 to 2:45 pm – brought to you by Royal Lepage/100Mile Realty at the South Cariboo Rec Centre.

The Bighorn Archery Club is having their annual indoor 3D Shoot.  For information, contact Chris Foster at  Registration will start at 8:30am and the shooting begins at 9:00am on March 14th and 15th at the Stan Halcro Arena.

St. Patrick’s Day Dance and Dinner is being brought to you by the Royal Canadian Legion #260 on Friday, March 14th.  Dinner is at 6:00 pm with the Dance starting at 7:00 pm.  Entertainment is by the Markabillies.  Tickets for the Dinner and Dance are $20.00 per person, for Dance only it is $10.00.  For more information call 250.395.2511.

The South Cariboo Sustainability Society is showing the next film in their winter Film Series titled – Beyond Climate – The film is narrated by David Suzuki and shot throughout B.C.  Entry is by donation.  Discussion with refreshments will follow afterwards.  For more information, call 250.791.7284 or 250.395.4103.  You can join them at the Steme7uw’I Friendship Centre at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 18th.


Coffee, Games and Conversation Friendship Group! The Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre invites you to get out and link up with new friends!  First and third Wednesday of every month.  Next Coffee and Games:  Wednesday, March 18th from 1:30 to 3:00.  Bring a game.  Baking and snacks welcome!  For more information contact Elsie at 250.948.5763 or Stemete7uw’i Friendship Centre at 250.706.0385.

There is a CFEC Community Night on every 3rd Thursday of the Month.  This month they will be meeting on March 19th.  This is a drop in event for Ages 18 – 30 that will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre – Unit 1, 486 Birch Avneue.  There will be snacks provided!

Cariboo Community Calendar

Spaghetti Social on March 20th from 5:00 to 7:30 (Dinner served until 6:30). You can join them at the St. Timothy’s in the Church basement on the corner of Blackstock Road and Horse Lake Road.  No need to call ahead, just show up!  They will be serving Spaghetti – Ceasar Salad – Garlic Bread and Desserts.  A vegetarian option is available.  There will be music and a free store.  This event is sponsored by St. Timothy’s Anglican Church & Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre.  For more information you can call 250.706.0385.



South Cariboo Visitor Centre Hours are 8:30 to 4:30 – Monday to Friday – Call 250-395-5353.