The Parkside Art Gallery presents Replenishing Qi by Dawn Miller is running from October 16th thru November 7th. The hours of operation are 10am to 4pm Tuesday to Friday and 10am to 3pm Saturdays. The Gallery is also hosting the Story Walk for Fall 2020, it is on Tuesdays and Fridays till November 27th the Gallery and garden are at the corner of 4th and Cedar.

October 31st The Hunt is on!  The Ultimate Photo Scavenger Hunt is fun for the Whole Family. Are you looking for something fun to do with your family or friends this Halloween?  Join the HUNT a community-wide-photo scavenger hunt with prizes worth competing for and candy for the kids along the way.  Joining is simple.  Read closely the rules and ways to participate at

October 31st – Halloween at Interlakes Commuinty Hall – come and join in on October 31st at 7:00 pm for fireworks and a bonfire and concession at 7592 Hwy 24.  The Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department will be putting on another great fireworks display this year as they do every year!  They do ask that due to COVID please keep your distance to people outside your bubble and even better everybody wears a mask to keep us all safe for the months to come.

Coats for All 2020 – Give warmth to others and get a warm feeling yourself.  Drop off used winter coats, snowsuits, toques, mitts and scarves to the 100 Mile Laundromat (located in Owen Square across from the Library) between November 1st and November 30th only.  If possible please wash them before donating and label as “washed”  Clothing will be available to people in need from November 5th to November 30th at; Loaves and Fishes – 100 Mile Food Bank – Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre – Canim Lake and Canoe Creek Bands.  Also on Saturday November 14th and 28th only, from 10:00am to 1:00 pm, warm winter outerwear will be available to anyone, at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church (corner of Horse Lake Road and Blackstock Road) to help working people and families who do not normally go to the distribution sites.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we ask you to please wear masks and practice safe distancing at this site.  For more information you can call Annie at 250.395.6054.

Your South Cariboo Health Foundation Presents – Starry Nights for Palliative Care.  This year we are raising funds to assist IHA and Hospice with the 100 Mile Hospital’s New Palliative Care Rooms.  Donations for this year’s fundraiser are going to improve the settings for the families and patients who require acute management during end-of-life care by providing a comfortable surrounding in the hospital’s two newly renovated palliative care rooms.  You are invited to be a Health Star – Bronze $50 or more – Silver $100 or more – Gold $200 or more.  You can donate to: Bag 399, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0 or you can call Brenda at 250.706.2101.


Iron Horse Pub Halloween 2020IRON HORSE PUB & GRILL

We know Halloween is going to be different for everyone this year, the Iron Horse is sad to not be hosting our annual ghostly party this year which has always been a really good time. In the spirit of Halloween, we’d like to offer 10% OFF ALL TAKE OUT on Halloween. Saturday Oct 31st. “Beverages Not Included”

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