Friday September  25th

Pro Skills Clinic from 9:30 to 11 am for ages 2011 to 2013 and 11:30 to 1 pm for ages 2008-to 2010 and cost just $25 per person please email  info to register.

Williams Lake Farmers Market is taking place from 9 to 2 at the Cariboo Memorial Complex.

Saturday September 26th

3-year-old Round up is taking place at Gibraltar Room form 10 am to 1 pm please call to register  250-398-3855.

Horsefly Farmers Market from 10 to 2 pm

At Fox Mountain Brew Pub Live music this Saturday with Ben Lamb-Yorski & Friends! Fall is upon us, so we will have our outdoor heaters out, but feel free to bring blankets and bundle up for some outdoor music entertainment!

Sunday September 27th

Rotary Club Poker Run starts at the Stampede Grounds at 10 am  and registration is $10 and includes burger or hotdog. To register please email

McLeese Farmers Market runs from 10 to 1 pm

Tuesday September 29th

An “extra” Summer Farmers’ Market, held every Tuesday afternoon & evening at the Kiwanis Park Market site. 2 PM till 7 PM, June 16th until September 29, 2020. Some of your favourite regular Friday vendors will be there, plus visiting vendors – the line-up will vary week to week! Organic veggies, local meat, Cariboo Fruit Truck (starting June 22), all sorts of food, coffee, artisans, crafters, Fennel Cup Food Truck.

Wednesday September  30th

Get out for a night of creative fun and help support your local Autism and Special Needs Society. I can teach you how to create your own “Quiet Moments” painting with step by step instructions. No experience required and all supplies are provided. Free draws and door prize throughout the evening. The class size is limited due to the health and safety protocols that we are following. Our aim is for you to have a safe and fun night out, while you are supporting a very worthy, local Society. For Tickets and availability please email me at: ($35/person)

Regency Chrysler