Today we’re raising awareness and funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation with April Roberts TIB Jones & Friends Team. April has done an amazing job again this year by getting 51 bikers signed up for the ride around 100 Mile House.  April has been a champion in 100 Mile House for the Big Bike Ride since 2007.


Every year April and her friends get together for their annual ride, so far raising over $38,000 for the cause that’s dear to her heart.  Today $7,584 was raised bringing the total $45,584 by April Roberts and TIB Jones Big Bike Riders over the years.


“When you support Heart & Stroke Big Bike, you’re making a difference in your own community — and communities across Canada!” Heart and Stroke Foundation.



Learn more about the Heart & Stroke Foundation 


This is one if the quietest fun fundraising event in the west. Thank you once again April, always a great time. RF CR.C



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