We’ve all had to make changes in our daily lives – and we know it hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s completely normal to feel anxious when we are facing uncertainty about the future. But let’s remove any negativity we can and find positive ways to cope when worry and negative feelings start to emerge. One of the best ways to do this is to take the advice of our top provincial and federal health officials, and stay connected with our friends and family – at a distance. This doesn’t mean socializing and hugging one another at the grocery store or having friends over for dinner. It means picking up the phone, sending a text, or scheduling a video chat. Let’s remember – it’s not forever – it’s just for now.

This long weekend, we noticed lots of positive examples of residents taking part in healthy and optimistic activities by enjoying the spring sunshine, while social distancing – activities like catching up with neighbours over the fence; walking in your own neighbourhood; bringing the deck furniture out of winter storage; taking down the Christmas lights; and planning out vegetable gardens…
We will rebound from this by working together as a community, taking care of each other and caring for our family, friends and neighbours. Let’s be kind to one another, even to strangers, and let our Cariboo friendliness help us get through.

Please stay informed, remain calm, and be positive. We are in this together…
We Are Stronger Together!
Mayor and Council
District of 100 Mile House
For more information, visit www.100milehouse.com.

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