On May 27th 2019 at 6:03 AM, 100 Mile House RCMP and Williams Lake RCMP along with Fire and Ambulance attended to a single vehicle rollover along Highway 97 near Maze Lake Road. A white Ford F-350 truck was seen driving erratically and ended up flipping several times, with the lone male driver being ejected during the rollover of the vehicle.



The 38 year old male has since been taken to Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops from Williams Lake with what are considered serious injuries to his pelvic area. The vehicle was determined by 100 Mile House RCMP to be stolen out of Quesnel sometime overnight. A loaded firearm was located during a search of the 100 metre scene along the highway. 100 Mile House RCMP is liaising with Quesnel RCMP to determine further evidence related to the theft of the vehicle and other items located.




If anyone witnessed this accident and/or has information related to this event, 100 Mile House RCMP asks that you contact them directly at 250-395-2456 or provide information through BC Crimestoppers. 100 Mile House RCMP file 2019-1829 refers.



S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Regency Chrysler