On October 17th 2020, 11 charges – including obstructing a Peace Officer, Assault Peace Officer (x3), Refusal to Provide a Breath Sample and Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle – were sworn against Lawson MASON of Surrey BC as a result of the investigation into his actions on October 16th and 17th in 100 Mile House BC. Please see the attached photo for reference.

Mr. LAWSON was released from RCMP custody on October 19th 2020 on a number of conditions, including:

  1. To not be within 100 kilometres of 100 Mile House BC unless attending the area for the purposes of attending court or with permission of the Bail Supervisor.
  2. To not possess any firearm, crossbow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, etc.
  3. You must not drive, operate of be found in the driver’s seat of any motor vehicle.
  4. You must not possess of consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances unless prescribed by a physician.

Mr. LAWSON’s next court appearance is December 1st 2020 here in 100 Mile House BC. The investigation is now in the hands of Crown Counsel.

Anyone with information on this file or if they see Mr. LAWSON within 100 km of 100 Mile House BC, can contact the 100 Mile House RCMP at 250-395-2456 or contact Crime Stoppers BC at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS). Please refer to file 2020-3687.


Svend Nielsen

Detachment Commander

100 Mile House RCMP-GRC

Original Post:
On October 16th 2020 at approximately 11:30 PM, 100 Mile House RCMP were on regular patrol in the Lone Butte BC area when an member observed a vehicle with two different plates driving e/b. The vehicle failed to stop for a routine traffic stop and continued east bound. The officer did not pursue and stopped his patrol vehicle.
A short time later, the vehicle was observed driving westbound along Hwy 24 by the same officer, who let other members know the direction of travel. Another officer attempted to block the highway, but the vehicle drove around the patrol car on the shoulder of the highway and continued westbound. Speeds were variable, but well within the legal speed limits of the highway. The driver was suspected to be impaired as well.
The attending officers observed the vehicle turn off the highway and eventually observed fresh muddy tire tracks going down Blueberry Road into a private driveway. As the officers turned down the driveway to continue their investigation, the Ford Explorer was observed coming back up the driveway at a high rate of speed toward the officer’s vehicles, but it quickly turned off the driveway and entered a wooded area, eventually launching itself into a shallow swamp where it became immobilized. The 34 year old male, a prohibited driver out of Surrey with an extensive criminal history, was safely arrested by 100 Mile House RCMP.
Once taken back to cells, the suspect fought with the officers during the booking in procedure. All officers suffered some minor injuries. The suspect was safely booked into cells and lodged to appear before a Judicial Justice bail hearing later today. The suspect did not suffer any injuries during the brief interaction. Multiple charges are being sought against the suspect at this time – including possession of weapons offences and assaulting a peace officer – with the charge approval process still under review, so Police cannot identify the suspect at this time.
Anyone with information on this event can contact the 100 Mile House RCMP and refer to file number 2020-3867 or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS) if they wish to provide their information anonymously.
Detachment Commander
100 Mile House RCMP-GRC
Regency Chrysler