The 100 Mile House & District Blind & Visually Impaired White Cane Club (WCC) will “focus” on the future AND CONTINUE PROVIDING SUPPORT TO INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING VISION LOSS.
The White Cane — a symbol of blindness, courage and independent spirit � a symbol of ability not disability Since 1946, the first full week of February has traditionally been “White Cane Week” in Canada, due to the CCB’s initiative. The objective of White Cane Week has always been educational. From the first ever White Cane Week, with only a handful of individuals who were blind or vision impaired participating, White Cane Week has become a national network of special events, hands-on demonstrations, open houses, and tours taking place from coast to coast.
Over the years, the White Cane Week programmed has evolved to reflect the changing situations of people who are blind and vision impaired. In early years, the Week was used to demonstrate the concerns for good rehabilitation and blindness prevention. However, in more recent times, events have begun to emphasize the equal capabilities and talents of people who are blind and visually impaired.
DID YOU KNOW …there are approximately 1.5 million Canadians who identify themselves as visually impaired?
DID YOU KNOW … visual impairment can affect anyone?
DID YOU KNOW … 1 in 9 Canadians will develop irreversible vision loss by age 65?
DID YOU KNOW …visual impairment doesn’t only affect the eyes; it affects the whole person and their family and friends?
DID YOU KNOW … 90% of blind people have some sight?
DID YOU KNOW … many visually impaired people will not be recognizable as such?
DID YOU KNOW … 80% of blindness is avoidable, 60% is treatable and finally 20% of blindness is preventable?
DID YOU KNOW … age related causes of visual impairment and blindness are increasing, due to uncontrolled diabetes?
DID YOU KNOW … it is estimated that by 2050 there will be 2 billion people in the world with advanced age-related macular degeneration?
DID YOU KNOW … 99% of all colour blind people are not really colour blind but colour deficient, the term colour blindness is misleading?
DID YOU KNOW … It costs more than $25,000 to complete the training for only one guide dog?
DID YOU KNOW … today, in virtually every language throughout the world, Braille is the standard form of writing and reading used by blind persons?
DID YOU KNOW …82% of Canadians surveyed say loss of vision is their most feared disability?
DID YOU KNOW … 27% of Canadians surveyed either have or know someone close who has serious vision impairment?
DID YOU KNOW … 93% of those who were surveyed agree (strongly or moderately) that Canadians should have equal access to vision health treatments and services?
DID YOU KNOW … 71% of Canadians surveyed say cost is a factor when deciding to get vision and eye care services?
For more information, please contact
Lori Fry at 250-395-2452
Or Judy Macdonald at 250-706-0233
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