It was very interesting to see the maps of the south Cariboo and the TNRD areas where the wildfires were last year.


There’s a lot of work going on in our local area to clean up the fuel on the ground and also dealing with the burnt standing timber.


Future planning of cut blocks, removal of small trees that would allow a wildfire to spread from one area to another.


Also replacement of fences that were burnt and the removal of fencing that is no longer needed are just a few things you’ll learn about.


There’re also job opportunities for those that want to work in the forest industry. The final open house is October 11th at the Interlakes Community Centre where you’ll have the opportunity to ask the local forest licensees operating in the area any questions.


In the Photo left to right: Jeff White (Registered Personal Forester). Tong Yeung- Planning Forester.  Rob Ballinger – Planning Superintendent from West Fraser Mills.