Today’s Winner of the $50 Big Bucks is CARLA FORMAN! 👍😁


Quesnel –
Family Day at the Quesnel & District Antique Machinery Park
Thursday, August 1st @ 9am
Join the Quesnel & District Heritage Association for a fun-filled Family Day at the Antique Machinery Park! Quesnel & District Antique Machinery Park 3055 Dragon Lake Road. For more information call 250-747-0944


Williams Lake – Performances In The Park
Thursday, July 25th @ 6pm
Boitano Park
Every Thursday up until August 22nd.
Great Live Entertainment!



Performances in the Park - Boitanio Park Williams Lake BC 2019



100 Mile House – South Cariboo Summer Festival
August 10th & 11th
South Cariboo Recreation Centre & Grounds
Live Entertainment, kids zone, lawnmower races, trades fair , great food and so much more!




South Cariboo Summer Festival August 10th - 11th 2019




Today is all about things to think about …things that make you go hummmmm 🧐😉😁


#caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #southcariboo #cariboo #quesnel

#williamslake #preformancesinthepark #southcariboosummerfestival

#outandabout #liveentertainment #kidszone #lawnmowerraces #tradesfair #food

Regency Chrysler