Keep liking, sharing and commenting on my videos for a chance to win $50 Big Bucks!!!! 👍😁

Join us at the Iron Horse for the 2020 Outhouse Races!
The new location for the 2020 Outhouse Races is the baseball diamond behind the Iron Horse Pub in Lone Butte.
Breakfast buffet from 10:am at the Iron Horse Pub, races start at 11:am. Teams consist of 3 participants. 2 participants push/pull the outhouse on skis over the race distance, while one is sitting in the outhouse. Outhouses are built by the individual team or can be borrowed from other teams (if permission given before race day). Racing categories are Juniors (age 6 – 16yrs), women & men. Co-ed teams start in men’s category. The fastest team per category wins. Additionally, there will be a prize for the most beautiful/most creative outhouse.
Please pre-register in person at the Iron Horse Pub, e-mail to or phone 250 593 4654. Team fee: $10 (if you pre-register), or $15 (if you register on event morning)

Building rules: Outhouses must be a minimum of 5 feet from the floor to the highest point of the outhouse, and a minimum of 9 square feet. Outhouses may be built of any solid material. No chicken wire, barbed wire or glass allowed.
No weight requirement. Skis and a “potty” to sit on are mandatory. Outhouses must have four sides, a roof and a doorway. A door is optional and must be secured open during the race.
You must push or pull your entry, no motors, pedals or wheels are allowed. Any device for pushing or pulling the outhouse may be used and must be solidly secured to the outhouse. Devices may only extend 12” on each side of the outhouse.

Outhouse Races

The 150 Mile PAC is VERY excited to be hosting our 1st Annual Ice Fishing Derby! All proceeds from this event go directly to support all students at 150 Mile House Elementary.
Join us Family Day, Monday Feb 17 at Dugan Lake for a family friendly, fun filled event! Bring your warm clothes and fishing gear (if you have it), 10am-2pm. This event is open to anyone wanting to come out, it is NOT limited to families of 150 Mile.
Cost is $20/hole, kids 12 and under fish FREE!
There will be PRIZES for lots of different categories, not just biggest fish, so even if you’ve never held a rod before, please come out!
Thanks so Learn to Fish BC, there will be extra rods and other gear for those who don’t have their own but really want to participate – a huge THANK YOU to them for supporting this!
Tickets will be sold in advance, stay tuned to this page for how and where to get them!
So save the date and watch this page for updates as the event takes shape!

Barkerville’s Family Day Weekend Celebrations
Saturday February 15, to Monday February 17,
Barkerville Historic Town & Park
Join us for winter exhibits, games, performances, bonfires, and more with some of your favourite
historic interpreters. – Adults: $10, Youth and
Seniors: $5, Children 5 and under: Free

Happy Valentine’s Day to Everyone and Happy Family Day Weekend! 😁

Today’s Out and About is brought to you by 108 Mile Supermarket- The Store With A Heart

Love 100 Mile House



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