Keep liking, sharing and commenting on my videos for a chance to win $50 Big Bucks! 👍😁

Quesnel – Family Fun Bottle Collection 
Saturday, March 30th 
Safeway Parking Lot 
All proceeds go towards the Terry Fox Run 

Williams Lake – WL Indoor Rodeo 2019 
April 26th, 27th & 28th 
Cariboo Memorial Complex 

Back To School 
Monday, April 1st
Watch for kids and Bus Safety is the #1 priority!!!! 

Today is Fun Facts with Bev Fry! 👍😁

#caribooradiostation #caribooradio #radio #williamslakeindoorrodeo2019 #quesnelcommunityevents #quesnel #southcariboo #cariboo #events #community #bottledrive #rodeo #springbreak #backtoschool #bussafety #april1st

Regency Chrysler 100 Mile House
  • Regency Chrysler