Keep liking, sharing and commenting on my videos for a chance to win $50 Big Bucks! 😁



19th Annual Lac La Hache Father’s Day Fishing Derby
June 15th & 16th
On beautiful Lac La Hache Lake
Lots of great prizes and No Fishing License Required.



Lone Butte Fish & Wildlife Association Family Fun Day and Open House
June 15th @ 10pm
5513 Hwy 24 , Lone Butte BC



Promenade Parade June 1st @ 4pm
Hwy 97 and Horse Lk Rd will have interrupted traffic flow.
For more information call Saff Sergeant Svend Nielsen 250-395-2456



Check out Cariboo Plant Ranch they have a Wonderful Selection of hanging baskets, veggie plants, flowers, herbs, trees & shrubs.
Find the Cariboo Plant Ranch at 715 Alder Avenue, 100 Mile House. @caribooplantranch



Regency Chrysler


#caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #laclahachefathersdayfishingderby

#lonebuttefishandwildlife #openhouse #familyfunday #fishingderby #fishing

#grad #prom #parade #southcariboo #cariboo