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Registration Day for Minor Ball is Saturday, February 29, 2020, 10:00am-2:00pm at the Lion’s Den Meeting room at the South Cariboo Rec Centre.

Registration is open now and the forms can either be picked up at the Canlan office at the rec center, or printed off from the link on this page. They can be handed in at the Canlan office as well. All players need a Softball BC lifetime membership number ($10), which you can look up or purchase from the following link.

Registration Fees/Forms:!ArWcqEhKK_YRgdpj6UAj8yQrmL8nkw


South Cariboo Minor Softball Registration Day 2020

11th Annual Mica Mountain Riders Association Dinner/Auction Fundraiser
Saturday, February 29th
Iron Horse Pub and Grill
Tickets $40 each
Door Open 6pm
Drinks, 50/50, Treasure Chest Giveaway
Door Prizes, Slideshow, Music and much more!

Today’s Out and About is brought to you by 100 Mile Feed and Ranch Supply – Serving the Cariboo for over 55 years!


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  • Regency Chrysler