Today (6) South Cariboo Volunteer Fire Departments received a donation from Chuck LeBlanc, the President of Local #9 of the Public and Private Workers Union in Prince George, in recognition of their hard work and dedication during the wildfires this past summer.

The donations came from Union Locals #9 in Prince George, #18 from Mackenzie and Local #2 in Crofton, Vancouver Island BC. LeBlanc presented each of the fire halls with a check for $2000 to help with help with equipment and training costs. “We wanted to do something for the fire halls that would ensure the money stayed local” LeBlanc said, he went on to thank all the Chiefs and Training Officers in attendance for their departments rolls in protecting their communities and properties during the wildfires.

Lac La Hache Fire Chief Terry Murphy said, “The money will most likely be used as part of a purchase of a Thermal Imaging Camera that shows hot-spots inside walls and records the images to be downloaded or just for new tools needed at the Hall.”

Chief Murphy was called out of retirement at the beginning of July and was reenlisted by the BC Wildfire Service as a Fire Information Officer and served 4 deployments that 14 days each time, 2 on the Elephant Hill Fire, one on the Gustafsen Fire and Hansville Riske Creek Fires. Chief Murphy also mentioned the Lac La Hache VFD has had 5 people sign up in the last month and half and more are welcome.

Chief Doug Townsend from the Interlakes VFD is a retired Port Moody Municipal Police Officer that served for 34 years has been with the Interlakes VFD for approximately 15 years and loves living in the south Cariboo. He spoke very highly of all the firefighters about 40 in total from the three fire halls in the Interlakes  area. Chief Town  said “Everyone work tirelessly during the wildfire season.”

He said the money will go towards a new defibrillator to add to the 5 they already have which cost about $2500 each. The Interlakes Volunteer Fire Departments cover a 49 km long area down the Hwy 24 corridor and roughly 16 kms wide.