BC Barrel Racing Association Finals

Friday, August 16 to Sunday, August 18

Alex Fraser Park

Come out and enjoy the BC Barrel Racing Association Finals!

Event timing:
August 16 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
August 17 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
August 18 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

There will be concession, vendors and free admission.

For more information please visit  https://www.bcbra.com/


Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

Saturday, August 17

Barkerville Historic Town

8:30 pm

Games, activities, performances, Moon Cakes and a Lantern Parade! For details, go to www.barkerville.ca or call 1-888-994-3332.


Indoor Garage Sale

Saturday, August 17

The Lodge

9:00 pm – 2:00 pm

$20 for a 5 ft table ~ $25 for a 6 ft table
9am ~ 2pm (you can set up the evening before)
To book a spot email thelodgequesnel@mail.com or call 250-747-0889.


3rd Annual Antique and Acre Long Market

Saturday, August 17

Edgewood Farm

9:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Over 20 vendors from throughout the region!
Petty Catwater Gardens, Paper Airplane, Pat Whalstrom Pottery, Col Juicery, Kampy Vintage, EdgeWood Farm Flower Market, plus so many more incredible independent vendors!


Family Day at the Quesnel & District Antique Machinery Park

Sunday, August 18

Quesnel & District Antique Machinery Park

9:00 am

Join the Quesnel & District Heritage Association for a fun-filled Family Day at the Antique Machinery Park!




  • Timber Mart 100 Mile House Ribbon Banner




Tuesday, August 20

The Occidental

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Family friendly karaoke with your host, Shawn Flint. No cover, come on down and enjoy the fun!


Summer Workshop: Fun With Terracotta

Wednesday, August 21

Quesnel Art Gallery

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Register at the gallery or by phone at 250-991-4014

Ages: 12-99

Fee: $5.00 per person

Maximum 10 participants


Pow Wow Planning Meeting

Thursday, August 22

Quesnel Tillicum Society

1:00 pm

For more Information contact: Donelly Clement 250-992-8347

Email: donelly.clement@qnfc.bc.ca


AGENDA to include: Pow Wow Funding for 2019 Dance Demos, Drum Groups, Royalty Pageant, Intermission Entertainment, etc.



  • Regency Chrysler



  • Regency Chrysler