RCMA Open Mic Night

Saturday, January 5

The Occidental

6:30 pm

Family-friendly Event! Children welcome till 9:30 pm $5 at the door


Snowed-in Comedy Tour

Sunday, January 6

The Occidental  8:00 pm

Debra DiGiovanni, 3 time female Comedian of the year. Pete Zedlacher, 5-time nominee of the Canadian Comedy Award for Best Male Stand-up. Dan Quinn, Winner of Canadian Competition at Just for Laughs. Paul Myrehaug, CBC’s the Debators. Tickets go on sale October 19th at www.snowedincomedytour.com.


Letter of Understanding Signing Ceremony

Friday, January 11

Quesnel Seniors Centre

10:00 am

Join us to witness the Southern Dakelh and Tsilhqot’in Nation come together in ceremony to sign a Letter of Understanding between two Nations. Open to the public.


Introduction to the Fire Mitigation Project

Saturday, January 12
Bouchie Lake Country Store  1:00 pm

Join us for an Open House with Steve Dodge and learn about the FIRE MITIGATION PROJECT currently being supported through the United Way. It will also be a great way to learn about Fuel Reduction and Fire Mitigation and how we can make our community and neighborhoods more “Fire Smart”.


Vile Pole Arts:  Villains

Saturday, January 12

Vile Pole Arts (2222 Maple Drive)  7:00 pm

Not for the faint of heart! Do you dare attend this event, featuring truly evil acts that will make you question your own innocence? Because even a villain, is the hero of his own story…This is an 18+ event!! Doors open @ 6:30pm, show starts @ 7pm Tix: $15 from your favorite Vile performer, or TEXT 250-255-6066 LIMITED SEATING!


Equina Biosa

Sunday, January 13

Bouchie Lake Country Store

1:00 pm Mona Illerbrun talks about the benefits of residential bacteria in horses.


Quesnel Live Arts Presents the Cheng Duo

Tuesday, January 22

Chuck Mobley Theatre    7:30pm  (Correlieu School)

Tickets Adults $25, Seniors & Youths $20 and available at; Save On Foods, Kmax, Green Tree Health, The Occidental, At the Door or in Advance by Calling 250-747-2207


Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce Elections Luncheon

Wednesday January 23

Billy Barker Showroom  11:30 am

Come join the Chamber in welcoming new directors to the board.


Quesnel Ladies Night: Playboyz

Thursday January 24

Cariboo Hotel 9:00 pm

The perfect Ladies Night Out featuring the Playboyz: Canada’s premier dance review. VIP online purchase $28, general admission $17. Tickets by Eventbrite. Check out the Facebook page!


The Jerry Cans

Saturday January 26

The Occidental   7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Jerry Cans are a band from Iqaluit, Nunavut who combine traditional Inuit throat singing with folk music and country music. Tickets $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Tickets available at The Occidental, Bo Peep, Circle “S” Western Wear, the Recreation Centre and the Visitor Centre.


2019 BC Men’s & Women’s Curling Championships

Tuesday January 29 to February 3

West Fraser Centre

Quesnel welcomes the best of BC curling to this 6-day event. Tickets: $60 for an Event Pass. Early bird ticket (until 31 October) $50. Children 10 and under are free with an adult. For ticket sales, on-line ticket purchases or information, go to quesnelcurlingclub.com or email qccevent@gmail.com.



Wednesday January 30

Bingo Hall 6:00 pm

Rotary Club of Quesnel presents their first Bingo of 2019! Early Birds, Odds & Evens, 50/50 draw, door prizes, and Jackpot. Come early and enjoy the concession. Proceeds benefit local projects.


Kobo Town — Calypso Dance Band

Friday February 1

The Occidental   7:00 pm

Kobo Town is a Juno-nominated Canadian Caribbean music group. Tickets $20 advance or $25 at the door available at Bo Peep, Circle “S” Western Wear, the Recreation Centre, The Occidental and at the Visitor Centre.


2019 Cariboo Craft Beer Festival

Afternoon session

Saturday, March 16

Quesnel Seniors Centre

2:00 pm

Tickets  $25 available at Westside liquor store, k-max game & video and at Williams lake city furniture.


A Few 2019 Dates

to Remember


Boots and Toques

February  23


Wells Mountain

Film Festival

February  23


Rocky Mountaineer

First Train of the season

April 28


Billy Barker Days

July 18 – 21


Jam Camp North 2019

July 28 – August 1


SkyFest 2019 August 2 – 4


For more information on other events happening around Quesnel visit the Quesnel Chamber website and click on the event calendar.


Send us your events for 2019

Please let us know:

Event title




Brief description.


Email info to qvisitor@quesnelbc.com