Party On High Street Friday, June 14

The Occidental

7:00 pm

Ft. Gamma Camera and No Big D




Kiss The Pig – Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Quesnel

Friday, June 14

Spirit Square 4:00 pm

Donation jars are still out around the community raising funds to see who is going to KISS THE PIG! The kiss will happen this Friday June 14 at 4 pm at Spirit Square, be sure you come on down!




11th Family Fishing Day

Saturday, June 15

Ten Mile Lake Boat Launch  10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Along with BC’s 20th Annual Family Fishing Weekend, the Quesnel Rod and Gun Club brings you a day of celebration for recreational fishing! This event will be hosted at the Ten Mile Lake Boat Launch. This is a free event with

Food and beverages provided, along with lots of great prize giveaways!




Shiraoi House Garage Sale

Saturday, June 15

Shiraoi House

9:00 am – 1:00 pm




Dragonboat Paddlers  Garage Sale Fundraiser

Saturday, June 15

355 Jones Street

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Hunt for bargains and help a great organization!





Celebration Night Filipino Heritage Month

Saturday, June 15

St. Ann’s Hall

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join the FCCQ to celebrate

Filipino Heritage Month!





Quesnel’s 5th Annual Pride Parade

Saturday, June 15

Quesnel City Hall  1:00 pm

Join in on celebrating Quesnel’s 5th Annual LGBTQ2S+ Pride Parade,

hosted by Quesnel Pride & Community Outreach! The Parade starts at

City Hall and ends in Lebourdais Park where this will be entertainment and

vendors set up until 4:00 pm. There will be a Youth gathering at the Youth

Centre from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, and then a 19+ After Party at the Occidental starting at 7:00 pm. Tickets for the After Party are sold at the Occidental

from June 1st – June 15th, and are $10 each.





Shore to Shore Dinner on the Bridge

Saturday, June 15

Quesnel Walking Bridge  4:30 pm – 10:00 pm

This unique event will include dinner by Craig’s Table, table games by

K-Max Games and Videos, a DJ and dancing after dinner is over, and Safe

Ride Home is provided by Ac&d Quesnel Insurance Services Ltd.!

Tables seat 8. Get a group of friends together to reserve your table of 8!

This will surely be an evening to remember!

Tickets are only $50 and available for purchase at Circle ‘S’ Western Wear

and the West Side Liquor Store.



Cully’s Cup

Saturday, June 15 – Sunday, June 16

West Quesnel Outdoor Rink  9:00 am

Two day road hockey tournament; proceeds benefit the Brian Cullinane

Legacy Fund. Entry fee is $250 per team. To register, contact Josh or

Angele at 250-255-2256 or





Theatre Royal Gala

Saturday, June 15

Barkerville  1:00 pm

The Theatre Royal Gala is not to be missed! Come up to Barkerville for this special day that includes 3 fabulous shows! Gala Package Tickets are $30

and include entry into Barkerville, all 3 theatre shows, and live music and

dancing at the House Hotel Saloon.




Child Development Centre AGM

Monday, June 17

CDC Building

7:00 pm

Everyone welcome; Light refreshments will be served








Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce AGM

Wednesday, June 19

The Lodge  12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Quesnel Chamber celebrates another successful year with this Annual

General Meeting. Special Guest speakers include Mayor Bob Simpson and MLA Coralee Oakes. Catering by Craig’s Table. Tickets just $25, available

by calling 250-992-7262.




Indigenous People’s Day

Friday, June 21

Helen Dixon Centre  9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Celebrating the Indigenous Peoples

Includes a Walk-Out Ceremony to all those who have graduated from High School and Post Secondary. Bring your own lawn chairs.

Brought to you in support by Quesnel Tillicum Society, Aboriginal Education #28, NCAFPS, North Cariboo Metis Association, Safeway, and 23 other

community partner organizations.




BCLR Presents Open Mic

Friday, June 21

Bouchie Lake Hall 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm

$5 per person

Musicians and kids

12 & under free

Concession by BL Com Assoc




Antiques and Uniques Sale

Friday, June 21 & Saturday, June 22

St. John’s Anglican Church 1:00 pm



  • Timber Mart 100 Mile House Ribbon Banner



Emotional Abstracts Opening Reception

Friday, June 28

Quesnel Art Gallery

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Show runs until July 27

Sponsored by Cariboo Pulp

  • Regency Chrysler