Theatre BC’s Central Interior Zone Festival

Thursday, May 9 – Saturday, May 11

Kersley Hall  Evening Performances:  7:00 pm/Matinee 12:00 pm

Celebrate community theatre at its best!

May 9 – Snowed & Deja Date (Paisley Players)
May 10 – Treasure Island (Prince George Pocket Theatre)
May 11 – Matinee – Strangers on a Glade (Kersley Players)
May 11 – Cherry Docs (William’s Lake Studio Theatre)

All performances at Kersley Hall (Edwards Road).




Communications and Swallow Workshop

Friday, May 10

#401 410 Kinchant Street  10:00 am

This full-day interactive and participatory workshop, led by Registered Speech Language Pathologist, Sherri Zelazny, will focus on the communication and swallowing challenges faced by people with Parkinson’s.

A catered lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Amy Ma:

604-662-3240 or 1-800-668-3330 |




3rd Annual All-Nations Sobriety Celebration

Saturday, May 11

Quesnel Seniors’ Centre  11:00 am

Drug and alcohol-free event.  Contact Lhoosk’uz (250-992-3290) or Lhtako Band Office (250-747-2900) for more information.



The Occidental Presents: Strut

Friday, May 10

The Occidental

8:00 pm

Admission Charge



Quesnel Farmers Market

Saturday, May 11

Helen Dixon Grounds

8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Entertainment:  John Goodwin



May Madness Market

Saturday, May 11

Spirit Square

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Shopping, Music, Food & More!



The Occidental Presents: Triple Shot of Classic Rock

Saturday, May 11

The Occidental

8:00 pm

Tickets $25 available at the Occidental.



Petty Catwater’s Special Mother’s Day Brunch

Sunday, May 12

Long Table Grocery  10:00 am – 3:00 pm

No reservation required!  Stop in for a delicious brunch.



Mother’s Day Buffets @ Barkerville

Sunday, May 12

Barkerville Historic Town

10:00 am – 5:30 pm

Two locations:  Wake Up Jake and Lung Duck Tong

Fabulous food

Reservations strongly recommended!


Wake Up Jake:  neilvferrier

Lung Duck Tong:  250-994-3458



Quesnel Community Foundation AGM

Monday, May 13

Quesnel City Hall

Miss Quesnel Room

11:30 am



SkyFest Society AGM

Wednesday, May 15

Tower Inn

7:00 pm



Hello Spring!

Monday, May 13

Seventh Day Adventist Church (1518 Maple Drive)  7:00 pm

Enjoy an evening of beautifully uplifting music.  Admission is by donation with proceeds going to InSong Quesnel Youth Choir.



Hide Tanning Workshop – with Betty Lebrun

Monday, May 13 – Friday, May 17

Lhtako Hall  9:00 am

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Provided. Sign-Up Sheet at The Lhtako Office. Please call if you are interested.



Barkerville Community Info Session

Tuesday, May 14

Barkerville Historic Town  1:00 pm

Residents and  stakeholders in the Wells Barkerville Bowron area are invited to attend.  Coffee and tea will be served.



North Cariboo Info Fair

Tuesday, May 14

Barlow Creek Recreation Centre  5:30 pm

Connect with your Electoral Area Directors and CRD staff, along with other government ministries and service agencies to ask your questions and discuss issues specific to your community. All North Cariboo residents are welcome.






Thursday, May 16

Barkerville Historic Town  8:30 am

Barkerville opens for another incredible season of history, theatre, adventure, great food and much, much more. 50% off admission for the month of May! For details, go to or call 1-888-994-3332.



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