Recovery from this pandemic will be slow, it will be steady. It is clear that physical distancing, hand washing, and limited travel will be with us for some time. Dr. Teresa Tam says “over the spring and summer we’ll need to maintain strict adherence to the public health basics we’ve been practicing these past months. This means continuing to practice good hand hygiene, limiting close social interactions and stepping up our cleaning regimen.”

Health officials remind us that although we may be getting tired of physical isolation, the virus is not tired – it is still out there and it’s still active. We all must be vigilant and careful not to spread the virus by opening up our networks too widely or too quickly.

Local businesses are working hard to prepare their workplaces to safely accommodate and protect customers and staff. Some may not be ready to re-open right away – they may take a little longer to ensure the safety to staff and publicalike. Be patient with them for they too are struggling to balance caution and providing quality services in a safe manner for us all. It will be some time before COVID-19 is behind us. But schools, parks, restaurants, and other institutions and businesses are beginning to re-open. As this process unfolds, it’s important to continue doing the things that keep us all safe – what we know works. We’ve proven that frequent hand washing, staying 2 metres apart and keeping close to home is working. Keep it up 100 Mile! We are doing a great job.

Every decision we make has consequences for ourselves, our families, our colleagues, our businesses and our community. Let’s ensure those consequences are the positive results we need to safely transition to our new normal. The key to our success in minimizing a second wave will be to open up our social and economic connections in a way that’s … timely and safe.

We Are Stronger Together!
Mayor and Council
District of 100 Mile House
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