The official handing over of the keys for the new response vehicle took place on Wednesday Nov. 14th at the South Cariboo Search and Rescue garage on horse Lake Rd.

The funds for the new response vehicle were raised through many groups. Loins Clubs from all over BC and Alberta, known as the ‘Wildfire Relief Fund.’ The Royal Bank 100 Mile House and Gibraltar Mines (Taseko Mines).  James Seeley, one of the SCSAR managers said, “Regency Chrysler 100 Mile House also stepped up to the plate by giving them the fleet rate on the 2018 Dodge Ram 5500.”



“We now have a vehicle that’s very reliable and can transport 5 members to the calls and carry all the specialized equipment inside that’s needed. With two trucks, we can now put 10 members on scene at the same time.” Said Seeley.


The response vehicle is set up for extreme terrain and vertical terrain rescue. The Ram 5500 will easily pull their trailer that carries the swift water and ice rescue equipment.


The truck is equipped with anchor points that can be used to lower themselves down steep terrain from the roadside. “Sometimes there’s nothing to anchor to when we arrive at the rescue location, other than our vehicles.” Seeley also said, “The new truck has scene lighting on the sides with 110-volts of power available to the outside the truck”


South Cariboo Search and Rescue has a team of 54 members that includes, swift water, ice and rope recue specialists. They do 15 -20 calls a year which includes mutual aid response. The teams are called out as far as the West Chilcotin, Prince George, Wells Gray and Kamloops.


“This would not have been possible without the support we’ve received.” Said Seeley “We’re also very grateful for the local support we get as well.”


Chris Nickless and Kim Taylor from the 100 Mile Lions handed the keys for the new response vehicle over to the very grateful South Cariboo Search and Rescue Crew.



Regency Chrysler