Over the next few weeks, BC Wildfire Service crews are planning to burn piles of woody debris near 100 Mile House. Smoke and flames may be visible from 100 Mile House and surrounding communities.


This work is part of a fuel management project and a forest pest management project. The decision on when to proceed with burning will depend on weather and site conditions. Such burns are only conducted when conditions are suitable. Firefighters will closely monitor the fires at all times.


Green Lake Provincial Park

*Pile burning will occur on the south side of Green Lake along Boyd Bay. Burning may begin as early as Oct. 13, 2020 and continue periodically until Oct. 31, 2020.

*The overall objective is to mitigate wildfire risks by reducing accumulations of forest fuels. By removing this material, less fuel will be available to burn in the event of a wildfire, and any such fire will burn with less intensity.

*This work is being done in partnership with BC Parks.

99 Mile Ski Trails

* This burn project will occur about 1.6 kilometres south of 100 Mile House within the 100 Mile House District Woodlot. Burning may begin as early as Oct. 13, 2020 and continue periodically until Oct. 31, 2020.

* A key goal of this forest pest management project is to manage the spread of Douglas-fir beetles by burning infested trees.

*The Douglas-fir beetle is a principal killer of mature Douglas-fir trees in B.C. This insect attacks its host in early summer and usually attacks trees weakened by drought or wildfire, or trees that have been blown down by windstorms. When the beetles attack healthy trees, they target the largest and oldest trees first, which are the most valued as wildlife habitat (particularly for mule deer winter range).

*Infested trees will be cut down and then burned to kill beetles and larvae present in the trees, to help prevent the spread of the beetles.

*This work is being done in partnership with the District of 100 Mile House.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.

For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, visit www.bcwildfire.ca

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