100 Mile Nordics Ski Swap November 4th 100 Mile Nordic Ski Society 500 Ainsworth Rd, 100 Mile House

It’s a great chance to come out and socialize with your nordic tribe and scrounge up some bargains!


Lac La Hache Community Clubs Christmas Craft Fair & Bazaar. Time to start your Christmas shopping. Open Mic, 50 50 draw lots of great gift ideas.

Time to start your Christmas shopping. Open Mic, 50 50 draw lots of great gift ideas 10 to 4 on Saturday and 10 to 3 on Sunday


On Thursday November 8th at 5pm you are invited to the Stemete7uw’i Annual General Meeting & Feast.

Located at the Friendship Centre 106 Blackstock rd. Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy is Presenting “Saturday Songs and Stories.”



Happening at the 100 Mile House Library on November 10th & December 8th. 10-11am in the program room. This is for families with children 5. Older siblings are welcome.

Don’t forget your library card!


There is still time to sign up for the Home Town Holiday Shop & Win 2018. For more information contact Robyn Angus 250-395-6124 or by email southcariboochamberevents@gmail.com



Remembrance Day Parade 10:30am at the 100 Mile Community Hall. Ceremony in the hall at 10:55 am and hotdogs and hot chocolate by donation to follow.

Luncheon by donation at 100 Mile House Legion for 19 years and older.

In Forest Grove Ceremony in the hall at 10:55am and hotdogs and hot chocolate by donation to follow.


On Saturday November 10th from 7 – 9pm, Join the 108 Heritage Site for their final Ghost Hunt of the year.

$20 per person for more information call 250-945-4557. The ghost hunt is a Charity Fundraiser for the 108 Historical Society.



There is still time to sign up for the Home Town Holiday Shop & Win 2018.

For more information contact Robyn Angus 250-395-6124 or by email southcariboochamberevents@gmail.com


Moonlight Madness at Work N Play Clothing 100 Mile House on November 16th with Store-Wide Savings.
Save 10 to 50% Off on quality brand name clothing and footwear. Get ready for winter and save money!
Name Brands You Can Trust!


The South Cariboo Farmers Christmas Market is coming up on November 16th and 17th at the 100 Mile House Community Hall

30 plus vendors, hot food and drinks, live music. A Special appearance from Santa from 5-7pm on Friday and 10-12 on Saturday, Santa will be taking children’s wishes and handing out candy canes too.

On Saturday; pig roast on Friday. Chilli, burgers, hotdogs, drumstick and vegan options.


Send us your events to events@caribooradio.com

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