The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Nick Christianson for his time volunteering for the Chamber over the last 4 years and wish you well and we would like to welcome Jeremy Welch from 100 Mile Painting to the Board of Directors. Thank you to all the businesses that helped support the Chamber AGM this year at our first Wine & Cheese Mixer. It was a great success.



There will be an author reading and signing by Sage Birchwater at the Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre on May 29th at 6:00pm starting with a meal and a presentation at 7:00pm. For more information call Rob at 250-706-9305.

June 21st is National Aboriginal Day! You can join the Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre to enjoy drumming, dancing, a Native Art show and sale, BBQ with fun and friendship from 11:00am – 4:00pm.



The Chamber of Commerce is getting excited for the South Cariboo Summer Festival on August 11th and 12th. We have so much planned for entertainment, demonstrations and activities. Plus don’t forget to get your crafts and wares ready for the South Cariboo Community Fair. All classes and regulations will be in the Festival Program available in the middle of June.



For more events in the South Cariboo, check out the Cariboo Community Calendar at



Trade Show Booth Registration for the South Cariboo Summer Festival is now open. Have your business or non – profit association at the event on August 11th and 12th. There are tons of entertainment and activities for the whole family. Plus live music and beer gardens. Email the Chamber Office for more information.



The Wildfire Recovery Cruise will be happening July 8th – 15th on Hwy 97 from Ashcroft to Quesnel, ending at our Hot July Nights Show & Shine July 15th. For businesses that want to get involved in the cruise you can visit and market your offerings or events to the cruisers as they visit our town! For more information you can call Vic at 250-248.7384.



#southcariboochamber #caribooradiostation #southcariboosummerfest#southcariboo #tradeshow #hotrod #carshow #100milehouse #cariboo#williamslake #quesnel #wildfirecruise

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