Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy is presenting “Saturday Songs and Stories” at the 100 Mile House Library.
This is for families with children under 5 also welcoming older siblings. Bring your library card!
On November 10th and December 8th from 10am – 11am in the program room.


Free Public Skates, kindly sponsored by local businesses, are coming to the South Cariboo Rec Centre.
On select Sundays from 1:15-2:45pm starting October 21st with Remax handing out pumpkins to families while supplies last.
October 28th have a Halloween skate sponsored by 100 Mile Motel and RV Park.
Visit for a full monthly calendar.



The next Age Friendly Event will be October 25th at the Creekside Seniors Centre from 1:30pm-3pm.
The topic is “In an Emergency what you need to know” with guest speaker Mike Winkle, a primary care paramedic.
The event is free but to assist with planning please RSVP to


100 Mile House and area Food Bank Benefit Concert is being held on October 27th at 7pm at the Hillside Community Church.
The community band will be playing plus a variety of local performers.

Admission is by donation or non-perishable food donation.

Plus in October 27th, there is a Jam Session at the Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre from 1pm-4pm.
Bring your voice, instrument or just come to listen. Lunch is included but donations are always welcome.


Send us your events to:

  • Regency Chrysler